It's hard to believe that all apples come from a single apple. The result of a development of millions of years, from an apple, it is estimated that there are currently about 20,000 varieties and varieties of apples. Some 7,000 of them work. Some have been created by themselves, provided by nature: after mutations, mixtures and hybridations have come into the world. Many others, thousands and thousands, we have “done”: we have taken the variants we have considered appropriate and we have improved them working. Once you get a favorite, grab it and hold it. They are inserted so that they are identical to the plants obtained. As with the vaccine, the same copies can be created using cuttings or cuttings. These copies are clones. Exactly the same as the mother. As sometimes it is convenient to keep this favorite plant, in others it is about creating new ones.
Taking advantage of the flowering season, I will continue to grab the apple. Apples come from Kazakhstan, an Almaty that means “the people of apples.” They say. From an apple there curved or from a cane or graft, Malus sieversii. Throughout Asia there are clear indications that apples are eaten, even written, from the Chinese end to the Mediterranean. Pharaoh Ramses II ordered apples to be placed in his vegetable garden about 3,200 years ago. In the Old Testament of Christians, for example, apples are mentioned almost 3,000 years ago. Homero also refers to the apples of his Iliada and Odisea, which are part of the Olympic festivities.
On that side of the Mediterranean there would be a passion for the apple. Perhaps here there would also be wild apples, but it seems to me that the knowledge to improve them, to work on them and to create new crops will come from Asia: Greeks, Romans and Arabs will bring a summary of millennia of wisdom. And we, rakás, fish him for us. And over the years, they've been used to create hundreds of new apples. An example of the wealth we have today, for example: Apple Errezil.
Kazakhstan, China, Persia, Egypt, Greece, Rome, Errezil, a millenary route. The path of Research, Development and Innovation continues, the path of knowledge. Road to the future.
192 milioi sagar 2024. urtean. Segundoero sei sagarretik gora saltzen du Britainia Handiko Tesco supermerkatu kate han ezagunak; ia 27.000 tona. Zenbaki ikusgarriak dira baina are harrigarrigoak dira bertokoak, Ingalaterrako sagarrak direla jakinda.
The McIntosh apple is mostly seen in computers, tablets, sepals and advertising. His logo marks very well what it is, the author got it right; it's an apple he lacks, as if someone had bitten him. And that's that McIntosha is a delicacy.
It's a Canadian national apple, because it's... [+]
The truth is that, outside the meadows of our house, I don't know in Euskal Herria this variety of apples. It has a long history, it's better to feel to read.
Our grandmother, Joxepa Aizpurua Irazu, was born when she was then Sidrería Aizpurua. It was previously a lagar... [+]
Sagardoaren Jatorri Izendapenak aukera itzelak ematen dituen tresna den arren, Euskal Sagardoa martxan jarri zenetik bildu den lehen uztan sagarraren prezio tamalgarriak mantendu dira.