The first Sunday of each month is kept in the agendas of many people in Mungia and Busturia: The “Market of the first Sunday of the month in Arrieta” will be written on that page, surely. In fact, since August 2013, every month, local producers and surrounding neighbors gather in the town square. The Lekukoartu Association was born with the objective of promoting local consumption, the local economy and the activity of the baserritarras of Arrieta (Bizkaia). Once in the head the idea of the fair, they analyzed the different possibilities and took as a model what is done in the Alavesa locality of Valdegovía.
Every month the baserritarras of Arrieta participate in the fair, but in addition to that, at each fair some producers from the surrounding villages are invited.
Along with the stalls, the day of the fair there is a varied offer: workshops and exhibitions related to seasonal products (in May, for example, they have focused on Asian bees and wasps), concerts, pintxopote, children’s activities, txosna… “The fair acquires a broader dimension: it is a unique environment, among friends, and people come very comfortable to spend the day,” explains Rosina Enzunza.
From the beginning, the response to the fair has been very good, according to Enzunza. “It was clear to us that it was necessary to involve the citizens in this, and at the first fair, for example, we were from farmhouse to farmhouse gathering tools from the old vegetable garden,” he tells us. With these tools an exhibition was held at the first fair in 2013.
The name “Lekukoartu” can have two senses: take the witness, the local, the local, and take the witness, take the relay. They wanted to play with these two meanings when aiming at the association, and each month they are working these two meanings: in addition to boosting local products, many of the producers and those who approach the fair are young. “If you come young, I hope to look to the future.”
It is not easy for a town as small as Arrieta that has become a referent of the region thanks to the fair. Keep collecting/giving the witness!
Are baserritars on vacation? They ask in school. The students have answered no. So, working every day, would you like to be baserritarra in the future? And if nobody wants to be a baserritarra, who is going to make food for us? The question stayed in the air.
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Hiri handitik ezin ateratzeak ernatu du nigan berde behar bitxi bat, orain artean sekula ezagutu gabea. Ados, beti izan zait atsegingarri berdetasuna begiestea mendian, basoan, golf zelaian, baina oraingo hau da, seguru obligazioak behartua, ia-ia bitala, arnasten dugun airea... [+]
The members of the Ortutik Now Project of Busturialdea (Bizkaia) have been stirring up consciences and tastes for about seven years. “We are working on food from an agroecological point of view,” explains Sergio González Sánchez, a member of the project. Its activity is... [+]