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Confesbask Marketing Operation

Confesbask made public his new model of labour relations at a public event held in Bilbao. With the support of the Basque Government and hundreds of companies, this employers’ lobby pretended to be a modern social agent trying to adapt to the current reality. However, the act has been nothing more than a mere marketing operation, a propaganda of the employers. By suggesting that it offers a new employment relationship, it wants to impose its philosophy and precarious working conditions in order to continue to accumulate benefits. Although employers do a lot of marketing and propaganda, we cannot forget that class struggle is not something of the past, but something that is in our society and in the deepest of companies.

The employer's operation talks about transparency and flexibility in labour relations, but in practice workers are repeatedly hidden from the real economic situation of the company. Flexibility, on the contrary, is only used to achieve more job insecurity. Behind this marketing and propaganda operation is the individualization of labor relations, the blocking of collective bargaining, the rejection of trade unions and works councils. Thus, they favor their monopoly to obtain benefits, delving into the politics of precariousness, while the public administration subsidizes them.

Precariousness and inequalities are enormous in the current socio-occupational situation, which, logically, creates competition between trade unions. For entrepreneurs and workers to live together in companies, a dialogue is needed that addresses the existing class struggle, in which not only information is shared, but also benefits and decisions.

2016ko maiatzaren 01
You are interested in the channel: Confebask
2024-11-08 | ARGIA
Trade unions accuse Confesbask of conducting a campaign that sees absenteeism as a problem
For trade unions, absenteeism is not a problem, “but an employer who does not respect occupational health regulations”. The events organised by Confesbask on this subject have served to denounce the attitude of the employers towards the celebration of 7 November in Bilbao.

If that continues, there is no promising future.

Confesbask has recently pointed out that 400,000 workers will be needed – or has – to maintain current prosperity over the next 30 years. And this time, it focuses on immigration. If it is a matter of covering the need for labour and ensuring that the “law on aliens” is... [+]

Welcome talent: Confesbask's new formula for promoting "labour immigration" and labour
The business association Confesbask has released a series of data and conclusions on the “demographic challenge”. It says that with the current birth rate 240,000 jobs would be lost in Álava, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa in the next three decades.

Hysterical materialism
All in the same life

Maybe you've had the opportunity to relax in summer, you've gone to the beach, to the Pyrenees by van, you've been juerga (and you've been allowed to do it), or at least life has been milder in the warmer season, I don't know, because you've had less workload, for example, or you just... [+]

Enpresa gezurrak lan absentismoari buruz

Pandemia honek absentismoa areagotu duela dio Confebaskek, mesedegarriak zaizkien gezurrak zabalduz

2020-09-30 | Juan Mari Arregi
Kukurrukuak Confebasken alde?

Eusko Jaurlaritzak, Arantxa Tapia Ekonomiaren Garapen sailburuaren bitartez, xantaia sistematikoa egin du langileen aurka krisi ekonomikoa hasi zenetik, eta  Covid-19rekin areagotu baino ez du egin Confebask enpresarien elkartearen aldeko jarrera.

2020-09-24 | Juan Mari Arregi
In favor of Confesbask?
The Basque Government, through the Economic Development Counselor, Arantxa Tapia, has systematically blackmailed workers since the beginning of the economic crisis, and has opted for the business association Confebask with Covid-19.

They accuse ETB of turning information into propaganda tools for the employers and the PNV.
The EITB news this Tuesday, March 30, has provoked the anger of many people. Social media attests to this. He has also complained about the presence of many public television workers, as well as the trade union sections of LAB and ELA. The first has pointed out that "it is not... [+]

The Basque and Confesbask Governments Stand Up Against Suspension of Non-Essential Activities
The President of Confesbask, Eduardo Zubiaurre, has strongly criticized the new economic measures taken by the Government of Spain. He pointed out that the cessation of all non-essential activities is “an example of the inability and powerlessness of the central government”... [+]

Employers expect smooth economic growth
Like many reports analysing the economy, the analysis of the Basque employers is placed in that grey between optimism and pessimism, presenting their concerns and challenges.

2020-01-29 | ARGIA
The leader of Confesbask says that the underpayment by women is related to their educational level
The president of the management company Confesbask, Eduardo Zubiaurre, has been interviewed by Euskadi Irratia before the general strike on Thursday. In addition to rejecting the call made by the Euskal Herria Bill of Social Rights, it has linked the wage gap between men and... [+]

2019-07-19 | ARGIA
Confesbask’s new leader praises Spanish labor reform
The president of Confesbask, Eduardo Zubiaurre, took over this Thursday as the president of the Basque employers. He has defended the 2012 labour reform for the "flexibility" it allowed, and has opposed a step backwards in that direction. He has advocated "modern" labour relations,... [+]

2018-04-25 | ARGIA
Sindikatu guztiak mahaitik altxata, kolokan geratu da EAEko elkarrizketa soziala

Araba, Bizkaia eta Gipuzkoako UGT sindikatuaren zuzendaritzak erabaki du elkarrizketa sozialerako mahaia uztea, CCOO sindikatuak ere beste hainbeste egin ostean. ELAk eta LABek hasieratik ez zuten parte hartu. Horrenbestez, sindikaturik gabe, kolokan geratu da organoa.

2018-03-21 | Axier Lopez
Roberto Larrañaga, Confebaskeko presidentea
“Gaizki ordaindutako lanak aukeratzeko joera dute emakumeek”

Emakume eta gizonen arteko soldata arrakalaz galdetuta Radio Euskadin egin ditu adierazpenak Araba, Bizkaia eta Gipuzkoako enpresarien elkarteko buruak. Soldatetan dagoen aldea eragiten duten faktoreen artean, "emakumeentzat enpresak erakargarriak ez izatea" adierazi... [+]

Eguneraketa berriak daude