The Sectoral Plan for Supramunicipal Incidence of Aroztegi lacks very useful data to assess the linguistic impact, the company has given some details about the project and some forecasts can be made, but the project does not say where the people who would come to Lekaroz can be from to cover the homes. It is not the same that Parisian and Madrid are the new inhabitants or that go people by Lea-Artibai, Cinco Villas and Urola Costa. It is not the same if you want to make a forecast about how it will affect the Baztan vasco-speaking community in the knowledge and use of the Basque Country.
In the absence of specific data, a general forecast has been made in the Linguistic Impact Assessment that the City of Baztan has developed jointly with UEMA (Commonwealth of Basque Municipalities). Supporting data are the infrastructure and services provided by the project: golf course, golf course and golf school; gardening school; four-star hotel of 135 bedrooms; haute cuisine restaurant; 228 homes.
The evaluation has taken into account the situation in which all the forecasts would be met, i.e. 228 homes would be covered, with a total of 684 people for each of them and who would live all year round in Lekaroz. From there, the project would have a negative, serious and critical impact on language. Five sections have been divided in the evaluation.
In the first section they have worked on the quality of life. Journeys to Lekaroz will multiply as residents, who are on holiday, and especially those who have gone to the golf course, will move from one side to the other. Linked to the provision of high-quality tourism, the standard of living will increase and, above all, the prices of housing will increase. The new inhabitants are not expected to be from the Baztan Valley or the adjacent counties, among other reasons because in the Baztan Valley there are 860 empty dwellings (census 2001). Therefore, it is very likely that the newcomer does not know Euskera.
The second section analyzes the impact of the project on local businesses. The typology of population and visitor would change, so the people who approach the shops, hospitality and establishments of the region would be different. They can help transform services.
Health centres and educational establishments are highlighted in the infrastructure section. If new residents were residents, would the number of enrollment increase and in what language would they be enrolled? In the municipality of Baztan, 11 out of 15 localities have educational centers, some with only one teacher, that is, with very few children. The largest educational centers are in Elizondo, the most populous village of Baztan (3,543 inhabitants), at the Ikastola and D-IIP public schools (including the Model D English Learning Program). Model D predominates in the educational centers of Baztan, in recent years there have been no requests for model A and in the classrooms of model A there are few children. The arrival of new children to Baztan could slow down the stabilization of the immersion model.
Health centers have been fighting for the service in Euskera for a long time and no great progress has been made. If the new patients were to be Castilian or parasitic, it would be more difficult to advance in respect of the rights of vasco-speakers.
The fourth section analyzes whether the project entails a change in the Basque tradition and culture of the area, that is, in the expression and cultural agenda, in gastronomy, customs, in sport. There is no doubt that it would have a negative effect. And the last section says that the Aroztegia project would critically influence the socio-linguistic characteristics of the population. From the linguistic point of view, the characteristics of the population will change with the arrival of visitors, workers and residents.
And we go back to the initial thought. Would it be wrong to anticipate that 75.5% of Baztan’s vasco-speakers would fall and that 61.2% of vasco-speakers in use would be a miracle?
Hizkuntza eragina neurtzen duen azterketaren emaitzak eskutan dituzue. Hedatzeko asmorik ba al duzue?
Herritarrei ezagutaraziko diegu lana eta gainerako eragileei ere helaraziko diegu, tartean Nafarroako Gobernuari. Aroztegia proiektuaren aurkako argudiotegia sendotzeko elementu bat gehiago da azterketa.
Ebaluaketaren ondorioek kezkatzen zaituzte?
Bai. Azken hamarkadetan, eta azken 30 urtez bederen, Baztango herritarrek ahalegin handia egin dute euskararen alde, euskara erdigunean jartzeko, inurriak bezala egin dute lan, ikastola dela, ikastetxe publikoetan D eredua ezartzea dela… Eremu publikoan bidea egiten joan da euskara. Gutxietsia zen, eta pixkanaka-pixkanaka lortu da hizkuntza normaltzat hartzea. Esate baterako, kulturgintzan euskara berreskuratu da. Gaur egun Euskal Herriko antzerki talde gehienak pasatzen dira Baztanetik.
Proiektuak lan kolektiboa zafratzea dakar. Batetik, itsuskeria da egindako ahalegina kontuan hartzen badugu, eta bestetik, badakigu arnasguneak nola dauden. Baztanen euskaraz ondo moldatzen da %75,5 eta hala moduz %13,2. Erabilera berriz, %61,2 da. Ezagutza baino apalagoa da. Euskara kinkan da. Zailtasunak ditugu aitzinerat egiteko eta proiektuak ez du aitzinera egiten lagunduko.
Oraintxe jaso dituzue 2015ean egindako kale erabileraren neurketaren emaitzak. Esan berri duzun moduan %61,2 da erabilera, gora egin du.
Bai, baina euskararen kalitateak kezkatzen nau. Adinez ttipiak direnak kalean entzuten ditut eta, nola esan, haien erranak, haien solasa nola den… erabiltzen dute euskara, baina kalitatezkoa den zalantzan jartzen dut. Hori batetik, eta bestetik, bai, datuak kontent egoteko modukoak dira, nahiz eta oraino egiteko anitz dagoen. Emaitzek aurreikuspenak gainditu dituzte.
Kontent, beraz.
Datuak ez dira ordea hutsetik sortzen, lan kolektibo ikaragarria egin da. Aski da aditzea aitatxi-amatxiei eta gurasoei nola bizi izan diren eta zein ahalegin egin behar izan duten euskara mantentzeko. Datuen gibelean baztandarren borondatea dago. Proiektuak hori dena zanpatzen du.
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Korsikako legebiltzarkideek ezin dute Korsikako Asanblean korsikeraz hitz egin, Bastiako Auzitegiaren 2023ko epai baten arabera. Ebazpen horri helegitea jarri zion Asanbleak, baina debekua berretsi du orain auzitegi berak. Epaiak tokiko beste hizkuntzei eragiten diela ohartarazi... [+]