Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Carles Puigdemont, LA LUZ and industrial espionage

The deal came when nobody expected it. But he managed to get out of the foreground above all the pressures that the Cup suffered in the first round. Carles Puigdemont. Hot ARGIA writing. Obviously, the need to complete the news and to perform an analysis of the last movements was evident, but the name “new” was not for any ARGIA. The theme referred to the reports of the one-week table.

In 1991 Puigdemont visited San Sebastian at the invitation of the newly created Euskaldunon Egunkaria, where he organized the “Day of Non-State Language Newspapers” with members from Slovenia and Ireland. Ella El Punt, for the newspaper of the area of Girona. It wouldn't be the last trip. He met friends from ARGIA and other companies from the Ametzagaiña group, who were providing structural and economic support to the Basque press. Soon the young Puigdemont opened its doors in El Point, attracted by the similarity of the Basques with the treatment of language and culture, and with their friends and companies.

The defeat of Avui, which for many was a reference newspaper in Catalonia, coincided with the purchase of El Punt, which was initially not a promise. By then, Puigdemont had already left the newspaper and created the Catalan News Agency (ACN) in Barcelona, making the leap to the Internet. And taking as an excuse the step taken by ARGIA to the network in 1997, some had the opportunity to make further visits to both the ACN and the small Vilaweb that led Assumció Maresm and Vicent Partal. If that's not industrial espionage ...

ARGIA has known Catalan news in the journalism world in a journal in Girona in which it intends to give its opinion on national and political actuality as commercially. Carles Puigdemont and the Catalan countries have provided clues to channel some of the challenges that ARGIA has had; and has also had solidarity gestures, such as the support of Catalan citizenship when the closure of Euskaldunon Egunkaria in 2003 also hit ARGIA.

Repsolek beretzat nahi ditu Urumeako mendiak, Euskal Herriko zentral eoliko handiena jartzeko

Josu Jon Imazen konpainiak helegitea jarri du Eusko Jaurlaritzaren aurrean, Endesari “iruzurra” egitea egotzita. Adarra eta Mandoegi mendien artean 15 aerosorgailu, 28 kilometroko bidea eta 21 kilometroko linea-elektrikoa eraiki nahi ditu Repsolek, Euskal Herriko... [+]

Asko gara, etorri gurekin euskal eskola publikora

Heldu zaigu EAEn 2025-26 ikasturterako ikastetxeetan matrikula egiteko garaia, eta etxe askotan etxeko txikienak urrats berria emango du hemendik gutxira, irailean, eskolaratzea, alegia. Euskal Eskola Publikoaz Harro Topaguneko kideok apustu sendoa egiten dugu eskola publikoaren... [+]

Kuotak, ikastoletan

Araba, Bizkai eta Gipuzkoarako Hezkuntza Lege berria onartu zenetik, aurrerantzean hezkuntza doakoa izango dela behin eta berriro entzuten/irakurtzen ari gara. Eragile desberdinei entzun diegu, baita Hezkuntza Sailari ere, eta hedabideei eskaintzen dizkiegun elkarrizketatan... [+]

2025-02-20 | Manex Gurrutxaga
EH Bilduren barne kongresuaz: behin betiko integraziorako bidea

Hilabetearen hasieran egin zuen EH Bilduk III. Kongresua, Iruñean. “Ez ohiko ondorioak” ateratzeko balio duen “ohiko kongresua” omen da, edo horrela jaso dute behintzat Zutunik ponentzian, zuzendaritzak proposatu eta militantziak aho batez onartu... [+]

2025-02-20 | Sustatu
Euskorpora elkartea eta Euskorpus aurkeztu dituzte

Euskorpora elkartearen aurkezpen ekitaldi jendetsua izan da asteazkenean Donostian, eta Euskorpus izeneko egitasmoaren berri eman dute bertan. Euskorpus euskarazko hizkuntza baliabide digitalen banku bat izango da, eta 5 milioi pasa inbertituko ditu Eusko Jaurlaritzak bertan.

Trumpek Zelenskiri “diktadore” deitu ostean, guda amaiera aztergai Europar Batasunean ere

Azken egunetako giroa baretzeko asmoz eta Ukrainako Gerraren bukaeraz hitz egiteko elkartuko dira Trumpekin, ondoko astean, Emmanuel Macron Frantziako presidentea eta Keir Starmer Erresuma Batuko Lehen ministroa. Auzi bera aipagai, ostegun honetan elkartzekoak dira ere... [+]

2025-02-20 | Irutxuloko Hitza
Eñaut eta Joseba Alvarezen aldeko elkartasun dinamika abiatu du Piztu Donostiak

Urtarrila amaieran ezarri zieten 5.000 euroko isuna ordaintzen laguntzeko txartelak jarri dituzte Herria, Marruma eta Platero tabernetan.

Udaltzain eredu “hurbila” bultzatzeko, lan eskaintza bateratua egingo dute Zumaiak, Getariak eta Azpeitiak

"Konfiantza eta gertutasuna" oinarri izango duen Udaltzaingo eredua nahi dute Zumaia, Getaria eta Azpeitiko udalek. Horretarako, udalerri horiek ondo ezagutuko dituzten bost udaltzain kontratatuko dituzte elkarrekin eta hautagaiei B2 euskara maila ere eskatuko diete.

2025-02-20 | Gedar
Work to start the construction of the AVE between Vitoria and Burgos, moving forward
The first works to connect AVE with AHT Madrid and the AVE train will cost 2 billion euros. A demonstration was held this weekend in Pamplona to denounce the conditions of slavery in the construction works of the AVE.

2025-02-20 | Xuban Zubiria
Conservative Friedrich Merz, favorite to win the German elections
The government coalition of the “semaphore” led by Social Democratic Prime Minister Olaf Scholz with the greens and liberals broke down at the end of the year. On Sunday there will be a general election to elect the new German chancellor, whose favorite, according to polls,... [+]

Leonard Peltier: “Azkenean libre naiz, gaurkoa egun ederra da”

49 urte preso pasa ondoren, libre utzi dute Leonard Peltier AEBetako ekintzaile autoktonoa. Otsailaren 18 honetan heldu da bere senide eta lagunen artera 80 urte dituen preso-ohia.

A filmmaker's "anti-Israel speech" is being investigated in Germany
It happened at the Berlinale Film Festival last weekend. Director Jun Li, when presenting his new work Queerpanorama, read on stage a text by Iranian actor Erfan Shekarritz, who decided not to go to Germany for ideological principles: "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be... [+]

The Prefect of the Pyrénées-Atlantiques advocates linking migrants to crime and increasing border control
The Prefect of the Atlantic Pyrenees has welcomed the strengthening of border controls, arguing that more and more “illegal” migrants pass from the Spanish state to France. He adds that migrants have a “perceptible effect” on minor crimes.

Cannibalism for survival

In the Maszycka cave in Poland, remains of 18,000 years ago were found at the end of the 19th century. But recently, human bones have been studied using new technologies and found clear signs of cannibalism.

This is not the first time that a study has reached this conclusion,... [+]

Eguneraketa berriak daude