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The shots of the Cordovilla brigade

Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

“This is an excessive career to bring the Basque to schools,” said former mayor of Pamplona of UPN, Enrique Maya, in reference to children’s schools. The union AFAPNA has appealed to the decision taken by the City of Pamplona to expand two children's schools in Basque, two of the 17 previously, four, claiming that the City Hall has no competence to do so.

The new plan affects the children, parents and workers of the two schools and they have concentrated in front of the City of Pamplona to denounce the "imposition" of the same. The forces supporting the mayor of Pamplona agree that: EH Bildu, Geroa Bai, Aranzadi and I-E. But, once again, the controversy has not been missed, Podemos de Pamplona, which is part of Aranzadi, made a ferocious criticism of the City Hall’s decision. A few days, however, Podemos Navarra made an amendment in Euskalerria Irratia by the President of the Basque Parliament, Ainhoa Aznárez: they agree with two other schools in Euskera, the procedure is to criticize

What they have is that the issue has reached the public square faster than the workers (a head of children's schools filtered the City Hall's intentions to the press).

"Be Euskaldun if you want, but don't get out of my privileges, my money, my rights, my comfort..."

The head of the Department of Education ' s Public Employment Supply (OPE) has also not been completely closed, as the Foral Government remains unsuccessful in its decisions. The single list was not approved by the Department of Education, which allowed further progress in discriminations against Basque teachers. To compensate him, he decided to conduct the OPE examination on different days (until now it was the same day and at the same time) so that the Euskaldunes can also present themselves in Spanish. All in all, the supporters of the two lists who have protested for maintaining their privileges have once again caused great abyss, and this time rightly so, because the Basques will have one more opportunity than them to pass the examination.

In the meantime, another front has appeared, which has been responsible for suffocating the flames. The point jo has become a public school in the town of Sarriguren, in the region of Pamplona. The educational unit of model D has requested the distribution of model D and model A-G and it will now be the Department of Education that decides. The Cordovilla Brigade is shooting again, this time with the help of Ezkerra: the Basques want to make a linguistic segregation. In Noáin, the same thing is happening.

The argument of the community of model D is to increase linguistic immersion, a reason that sensibly understands the Basques living in a minority situation. For those who are not concerned with learning Basque well and living in Euskera, it is marginalization, the measure against coexistence. And the artillery has come back to the red. On the subject of OPE, they have been profitable and do not want to miss the opportunity. The Basques are weak and must be exploited. They don't lack reason.

For those who are immersed for the first time in the whirlwind of the debate, it seems that it is the first centre differentiated by language in Navarre, but from 1995 to the present many centres have been distributed according to this criterion: Biurdana, Eunate, Iturrama, Mendillorri, Villava.. At first, UPN was afraid of the risk of contagion of model D and it was he who pushed the separations. Later, it was carried out at the request of the communities of model D, as it is observed in the mixture that Castilian devours the Basque country at all levels. Anyone who wants to live also in Euskera understands perfectly what happens: everything in the name of intelligibility is in Spanish in the faculty, in the school board, in the association of parents, in extracurricular activities…

The gunshots of those engaged in hatred are well identified, powerful and can cause deep injuries. The terraplenes of indifference are not so obvious, but in the long run they are probably the most harmful. And they also fire from a hobby, sometimes unnoticed; they do less harm, but they're also deadly.

The small step of the Basque in Navarre has touched the land of the indifferent and the answer is forceful: “Be Euskaldun if you want, but don’t get out of my privileges, my money, my rights, my comfort…” The Basque people do not need any noise. On the Left-Ezkerra lines, for example, you hear frequently. In other words, the mobilizations that have been carried out for many years for parents to have children’s schools in Basque have nothing to do with the opening of two children’s schools in Basque. In other words, if we get here, we have to forget about the single list?

It hurts me to hear the shots of the Cordovilla brigade. It's the sign that we're alive.

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Famili'on egonaldi ibiltaria aurkeztu dute lehendabizikoz Baionan

Plazara, AEK, Uda Leku, Dindaia eta Ebete antolakundeak Baionan elkartu dira Famili'on egonaldi ibiltariaren lehen edizioa aurkezteko. Hizkuntza mailaren arabera eskaintza bat edo beste egongo da eta haur zein gurasoentzat izango da udaberrian.

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Administrazio Epaitegiak arrazoia eman dio EH Bilduk Lizarrako plantilla organikoaren hizkutnz profilen aurka jarritako helegiteari.

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