Has a special copy come home to you too? I do, and I don't like to see where the shots are going... Keys to the present... January 2016... Have you started collecting the issues of the month at ARGIA? Ah! Wait, bring a letter in: “Dear members of ARGIA, bla bla bla bla bla bla, Larrun and the weekly, blo, blo, blo, blo, Anuario de la Cultura Vasca, bli, bli, bli, bli...” Ah bale, it's a renewed yearbook! It was time, what did these ARGIA think that that Basque Culture Yearbook was going to last forever?
But I have to acknowledge that, they have made a big change since the reform. The two deep chronicles opened the first yearbook, and now eight of them take on a leading role in the first third of the leaflet. Without neglecting the issues of culture, education and language, ARGIA has wanted to add to the yearbook other themes and values it works day by day: environment, feminism, social movements, economy, politics, sport... And in this section they want to explain the keys to the current issues that have happened throughout 2015 and that will give us what to say, to offer a calm and profound reading. Eight chronicles in total.
“Trends” are the middle section, in the second third of the prospectus. More briefly than the chronicle of the previous part, but they have tried to put on the table the issues that will be brought or will come to the foreground, as a sign of the trends of the coming months. Twelve trends with illustrations by Joseba Larratxe.
And how not, “the best of ARGIA.” The yearbook collects a good collection in the last section. It is difficult to read everything that is published every day on the web and weekly on paper, and it has been chosen to collect the most relevant reports, articles and interviews of the year. They keep time, and when we have time, they sit back and they recover in the chair.
Like for those of us who believe that paper is more than a classic, on the shelf!
Larunbatean pertsona talde batek Tolosaldeako Kontseilu Sozialistako kide bati eraso egin ziola salatu dute. Azaldu dutenez, "faxistei aurre" egin zien propaganda jartzen ari zirela, eta piperbeltz espraiarekin zipriztindu zuten.
Haurdunaldian diren emazte bakartuentzat, harrera-leku bat proposatuko du La Maison des Sept Vallées elkarteak Donibane Lohizunen. Pariseko bikote jabe pribatu baten gogoan sortu zen xedea. Donibane Lohizunen, 2021ean Iturria izeneko etxea erosi eta, bazter bastizetan... [+]