I've become my knees
part of this family
as many cots as songs, experiences
even if it’s fictional fragments…
Words of thanks yesterday
They become fumes tomorrow.
is often difficult to take
two sections for each...
unelected responsibilities
carry a heavy load;
I've always cared for others
until I forgot.
A grandmother around her
owning a hat
However, work is free
It doesn't have enough dignity.
If you fit in a kitchen.
so much tenderness,
patience and young children
echo of the sobs...
“For others to accompany us,
I would like to know the time and
if you have strength…”
has not been asked the question
He can't answer no.
Although it can understand love
each in a thousand ways
half a century of marriage
after, stalking each other
plentiful anger and
hugs so rarely
He doesn't know how to appreciate once
I missed it now.
in a collision with us
thousand bits have given birth
the last stage of their lives;
before we slept
Today, in every bed.
Old photos of Mesannox
It has yellow corners.
we've been drunk just like us
time memories
our beds on the dark night
They look like graves.
where they were lost in other times
The gloris on the sheet?
Falls in routine
my most hidden desires
He's stolen the goods.
What the tongue couldn't tell
Save the clitoris.
devoured it all my life
sort of curiosity
what I had and what corresponded to me
I think it was the best thing.
What I was and would like
couldn't tell
adopted the form of dreams
crack between the walls
all decreased
though from time to time I was returning from zero
My fears have made it
Temptation is in danger.
I've seen them as a danger.
error options
taking the trouble for others to treat me
expected attitudes.
Seventy years
women who are so kind
have forgotten to look at those on the side
What did he want for himself?
Evolution of the years
It's opened inside me.
fighting trenches
up to now never
questions I have not dared.
Keeping the shape of hooks often
is a question in the symbol;
the desire to change in balance and
hope in fear.
The future isn't, the past
I have my hand in the palm of my hand.
so much on orchard land
It's not all gold there.
I'm tired of tattooing you
now about blatant
my head is unknown
in front of the mirror.
Knowing the unknown
It's legitimate to me.
firstly, all clearly
I'll tell Joxe
then around the table
Sitting with your children:
“I’ve burst and left,
I can't go on like that.
I have suffered too much…”
Often a change doesn't have
what to be abyss
it may be late
If it's not too late.
Doinua: Bizkorra ez naiz baina badaukat.
Zapirain anaiak XXVII. Bertso-Paper Lehiaketako sorta irabazlea.
XV. Cup Championship
Where: In the gaztetxe Hiruputzu (Zarautz)
When: 22 December
Oblique: Aner Peritz, Oier Aizpurua, Alaia Martin, Jexux Mari Irazu, Etxahun Lekue, Aitor Bizkarra, Eneritz Artetxe, Maider Arrangi, Joanes Illarregi and Oihana Arana.
... [+]
Danel Goikolea Arrasateko bertsolaria urtarrilaren 14an joan da. Hil baino ordu batzuk lehenago, bertso sorta kantatu hau zabaldu zuen lagunen artean. Umore handia darabil eta Pablo Milanesen Yolanda kantu ezagunaren hoskidetasunarekin jolasten du: Holanda du izenburu sortak,... [+]