Oranges of the King
Jose Inazio Basterretxea 2016ko urtarrilaren 28a

Don Felipe is furious and does not know how to conceal. Peripheral Spain has angered His Highness. In the Royal House and in the Administration of the State it represents, it is unacceptable that the periphery be a sociological entity that goes beyond the folkloric varnish. And that is the key to the territorial crisis that Spain is experiencing.

The skin of the orange, peripheral, usually makes known the fruit, either directly from the tree or by buying it in the store; its brightness, its smell, its soft or rough, suggests the quality of the marrow. But it's also more than that envelope. In the absence of skin, the orange becomes dehydrated, lost and eventually corrupted.

In the Center, it is not so easy to accept that this periphery helps to create the nucleus, as well as to define its dimensions. And that's the root of the problem. In other words, orange cannot accept the need for skin and cuidarla.La Official Spain has not learned the contribution of the periphery of the autonomous state that marks the Constitution
of 1978: linguistic, cultural, political and economic. Faced with the systematic political and administrative marginalization of the periphery, the inhabitants of the area begin to move. The first serious problems have arisen there.

The Spain of Don Felipe has to react.

If Spain really wanted to keep its orange skin, it would have to think that it has a clear need for planning, with which it would satisfy the citizens who dream of another Spain, not only would it not forget their contempt, but it would assume and place in its place the values and needs of the peripheral territories.

In contrast to what has happened so far, even the collaterals may think that they can deal with the firm and ankylosed centralizing forces a different Spain. To date, everyone has travelled from the periphery to the capital. However, in Madrid it may become transformative a more organized and cohesive peripheral political force.

A third solution to emerge from the deep crisis of identity and institutionalization that Spain is experiencing is to leave the king's orange without periphery. I mean, make your own jam with the orange peels. In this case, each one will put in his own pot the pieces of skin with his sugar and his cinnamon. Catalonia has already begun to walk that road. If it is the best way, and the only one, the future will.

Monolithic Spain seems to have hit the bottom. But you'll see. Not all the peripheries have the same inner force. Not the center at every moment.