In the classic we find this copla on the list of the best Basque lo-kants. It shines like the beautiful pearl at the bottom of our culture. Everyone can sing as if they were theirs, as in Baiona and in Elorrio. The eyelids of a friend skinned by love or loneliness get wet until the song goes ahead and ends up exploding in the rock of the final verse.
The songs of sleep, small works to guide children to the whirlwind of rest, are found in all societies of the world, where the place, language and inclination mix, pronounce themselves, murmur or the lips rise without moving. The main characters are the mother – and also the father – and the child: it is as important as touch and eye, a means of communication between the two. To approach children's language, onomatopeyas, throat rope games, special dictionaries are used to perform this union, which has swollen with sweetness:
Buba buba dung
The little dux miño...
Cradle songs form a spectacular part of the oral tradition. In this poetic action that unites words and sound a harmony arises between both mother and child, trying to socialize both at the same time. But there are also teaching instruments. On this occasion, the mother teaches the child how much she wants for the different elements of nature. On other occasions, he informs you of what will happen if the child does not sleep:
If you do not sleep
The very goat will come...
The melody is so repetitive, a murmur that screams up measuring the swing of the crib, that language transforms into music, that it binds children, as soon as they leave the womb, with an invisible rope. In some countries, instead of mothers, men are engaged in selling their dream songs, suppose that in the countries of the Semi-African Pygmies the European model is not the only one.
The first copla geographically locates eresia. It is a way of making old songs – Lakarri, Lastur, Urtsua… – and it is still being used to integrate the facts into its own places that no one has forgotten, such as Gaztelugatxe, Deusto Bridge, Nebraska or Desolation Row. We are convinced that the kidnapping of Aturri in 1578 by the rural people to their Basque neighborhoods arose after the construction of the Baiona Bar.
The sea is fog
To the Baiona Bar:
I love you more
Birds like your children!
The sea is simple, quiet, although time changes rapidly, in a puppet environment shaped by the will of the decision makers of the time. In Roman times, Aturri embarked on the port of Port d’Albret, in Capbreton and from the Middle Ages, when he was back, lazy and naughty delta. From time to time, it traversed the sea from Bayona or Anglet, as in 1164.
But it didn't last, and Baiona was getting poorer. The lords of Lapurdi, lovers of King Charles IX of France, took an interim decision. Since 1578, therefore, the river was diverted under the direction of the architect Louis de Foix who drew the Escurial, opening a new mouth in today's Bokale. The Baiona Bar was then extended, reinforcing the original wooden structure with strong stones in the 19th century. Three years ago, the grassroots moved the bar and brought blocks to lay the ground.
Reading this cradle, singing, we realize one thing: refuting what is generally believed, the Basques have always been willing to honor and integrate news, music, dances, words, techniques – train, car, tractors – or spectacular constructions. It is also possible that the delivery works from Aturri to Baiona are so surprising that it seemed essential to mention them anywhere.
The series of unknown sculptured poets is presented to us in a warm and marine environment. It is clear that one of the functions of water is to symbolize love, the prosperity of nature, the sweetness of the patroness and the maternal relationship. Water washes us, water surrounds us, the sea shrinks our people, rivers and fountains are many in the Basque Country. In the salads of Bayona to Anglet or Bokale, we can imagine a solitary house pushed by the winds, in the corner of the fireplace, a night closed outside and in which the mother and son cannot sleep, because the father and the man are far away, have gone fishing, to work or to war.
Aita remembers us
Under the fog until night!
I love you more
Fish more than water!
We don't know if the mother is a boy, a boy or a girl who wants to lead to the whirlwind of sleep. He's just a kid, no further explanation. The beloved angelito mentioned in the previous coplan also does not determine the gender of the child. The night and the feeling of proximity to the sea encourage bertsolari to remove its features. Poetry rises gigantic in that environment of fog.
The creator of the song uses comparisons to justify his speech. Here it is claimed that this mother loves her son, the bird loves him more than his children: in addition to the tejo, the superlative is deduced in the two sand lines of each copla. However, the author does not cease to point to the absolute love of poetry.
Metaphors are developed in two areas: on the one hand in the domestic family and on the other in the mineral space of the cosmos, from smallness to greatness. They wait for their father, the dinner burns, in the affection of the night:
Dinner is on fire
Very hot harvested:
I love you more
Good fists to fire.
They're called scarce animals: birds and fish. The text makes it clear that air is a vital element for birds and water for fish. In the fireplace are burned the good woods that multiply the broth of the fire. They ensure the warmth of food and residence, paralyzing the fate of this single-parent family.
From intimacy it moves to the level of cosmology when the star poet refers to the moon and the circle of the sky that extends from north to south. The North needs the South to exist, just as the Moon needs the Sun to shine.
There are thousands of white stars.
North to South:
I love you more
The moon is darker than the one noche.El that
moves to the Baiona Bar, has the opportunity to see the sea with tranquillity and laziness, both from the slope of Bokale and from Angelu. When the autumn waves are wild, the shores of the Adour and the areas of the sea mouth are stirred up, frightened, salty people are scattered everywhere, in the midst of the breeze.
Even in the bedroom of the lonely mother who murmurs the child in the corner of the fireplace, at the end the house appears, the rock of the essence of the situation:
Now the child sleeps there.
Sleep, Angelito
I love you more
Your father more than me.
It is time for the woman to recognize the truth when the child sleeps. The sadness of the song is noticeable, the melancholy, the nostalgia, like the first thick fog, it's all besieged. He made the child believe that the father still thought of them, although the reality was quite different: the father has left, the mother does not love her. As the cradle swings, it teaches you the essential traits of life: abandonment, loneliness, the duration of love above all.
On the shores of the sea, in these songs, the tenderness of mother-child love sweetens the pains of disillusionment, consenting to the flow of everyday life:
I love you more...
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You know how it goes, right? "Dream txuntxurrun green, dream bite...". It is undoubtedly the most famous crib song in Euskera, and also has Vitoria as its protagonist. After a brief study, I learned that Resurrection Mª de Azkue collected in 1922 three versions of the song in his... [+]
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Gasteizko Oihaneder Euskararen Etxearen Batera proiektuen emaitzetarik bat gauzatu du berrikitan Maider Lasak, Malen Iturrirekin elkarlanean. Ekainean aurkeztu zuten Loa, loa, laguna izeneko ikusgarri performatiboa, ahotsez, gorputzez eta irudiz. Tradiziozko lo-kantak oinarri,... [+]
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