The International Organization for Migration (IOM) has recently released data on one of the major dramas of 2015. Last year, more than one million people have arrived in Europe fleeing conflict and misery, of which the Organization estimates some 4,000 have died on the way.
One in two people who have managed to cross the Mediterranean is Syrian, according to the Department of Security. The war that began in March 2011 in Syria ended with a quarter million citizens and forced almost half of the population to flee. Behind Syrians, most migrants are of Afghan and Iraqi origin, according to Reuters.
The Organization has called for the legalization of migration so as not to condemn people to death and to reorient the situation in the most dignified manner possible, ensuring safe travel from their origin and facilitating access rather than closing the doors, so that migrants can move peacefully through Europe, rather than concentrate on borders. However, the European countries have not been able to manage the reality, and although after many tensions they have agreed to relocate 160,000 refugees in the countries of the European Union, a very small number, including the arrival of one million people, very few have been relocated through this plan for the time being.
At the gates of the winter crude, the situation is not well painted.
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