Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

In another life

Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

You can read in the essay book of Ramón Saizarbitoria Aberriaren alde (eta kontra): “Perhaps because internal criticism (...) is difficult or that, from time to time, someone from the Basque culture world knocks out the door and goes away.” Read these words and convince Eduardo Gil Bera. By closing the door – without much noise, yes – and by leaving – Angel Erro: “One of the most interesting authors who has lost Basque literature”. And that is, because internal criticism is difficult. Perhaps yes, as I had confessed in this same publication: “Tudelatik euskalduna! It also looks like she's dressed, she knows it. But it has already started a bit hypercritical and gamberro, calm down!” To know why, but he has deserted, left him, it will be no more – in the words of Hasier Etxeberria: “Even though it’s a Sunday, surely what the Basque country has lost forever.”

However, as Alberto Barandiaran would say, “in another life” wrote his works in Basque. Take one, for example, O tempora! Or rumors! Second essay book, first, Atea at its roots, 1988, because it's inaccessible. In it we will find “some reflections on consciousness and morality”, according to the subtitle. And so it begins, with human morality, with consciousness – “if we are going to investigate human morality, the motto we have to solve first is that of consciousness” – but what seems to be a rigid book on a specific philosophical topic, is going to become a reflexive text about meaning, obedience, the other, religion, suicide, normality, leisure, security, etc. It is a pity that it does not last more than a hundred pages. And all of this is written with a broad reading, with a critical spirit, even with a mockery touch. As for the anarchists, he says: “In fidelity to Christianity, they are the first, then the Socialists, the Protestants and, finally, for a further time, the Catholics.” Josu Landa says better than me: “The insolent elegance with which the grief continues to perish to right and sinister, the indiscriminate way of making quotes and references, but without shadows of false erudition, a non-inquisitive way of questioning the reader’s beliefs and behaviors.”

Joseba Sarrionandia, for his part, has been interviewed by five writers: “I wouldn’t say that people like Pablo Antoñana, Miguel Sánchez-Ostiz, Pedro Ugarte or Marie Darrieussecq are writing in Basque, but I would rather Eduardo Gil Bera not stop writing in Basque.” I, too, of course. Until we turn, we can read things from that “other life.”

O tempora! O mores!

Eduardo Gil Bera
Pamiela, 1989

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