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17 December 2015
Goiko argazkietan, Bergarako Aritz eta Aguraingo Naroa, Durangoz geroztik ARGIAkoak. Beheko argazkian Bernardo Atxaga letxuga eskuan, Jakoba Errekondorekin liburu trukea egin berritan.
Goiko argazkietan, Bergarako Aritz eta Aguraingo Naroa, Durangoz geroztik ARGIAkoak. Beheko argazkian Bernardo Atxaga letxuga eskuan, Jakoba Errekondorekin liburu trukea egin berritan.

This year the ARGIA stand at the Durango Fair has become a trueque fair: the subscribers have given their opinion on the renewed weekly (some of which can be read in the previous statements). 50 new members have been approached to subscribe (we have welcomed them through the photos above). In the consultation of Jakoba Errekondo they have constantly devoted themselves to illuminating the hobbies, to publicizing the words of each...

Open plaza

We wanted to have a space to be comfortable together, and that's why we've created an open space, in particular: three stands together, two of them without a table. The ARGIA communication project and the Bizi Baratzea project it launched this year have been the two projects that have been launched at the fair. To do this, we have released the messages “Erein independent journalism” and “Txikitik eragin”, and the beautiful mural of “Axpi” Ainara Azpiazu has drawn a joyful way of life, shared by ARGIA and Bizi Baratzea.

Every bipedal that has approached has brought home a small life (lettuce, lettuce) to make it big (acting from small, too).

Results? Celebrations

On Twitter, you only have to go into the list of tweets with the word #darpidegu to realize that most of those who have signed up are young people, from the four winds of Euskal Herria, who you already read in the bar ARGIA, at your parents' house or on the Internet. What about the book Bizi Baratzea? I thought we had overtaken them and we had to go find more. He has achieved the number of readers who have made history in the Basque books, and in the Spanish books, mistrust!

And most of all, we workers come back one more year with forces to work by giving everything. For a few moments it became a shed. Let the coming year be even stronger for the exchange of relations!

2024-12-27 | ARGIA
This year, the CAV has a total of 5,212 complaints of assault by the Holy Father, 8 per cent more than last year.
As of November 2024, 683 sexual assaults have been reported, 16.7% more than last year, according to data from Emakunde. There has also been an increase in the number of women who have reported domestic violence (975) and the number of women who have been assaulted by their... [+]

2024-12-27 | Euskal Irratiak
Benito Lertxundi
“Zuzeneko emanaldietan beharrezko den xarma galtzen ari nintzela sentitzen nuen”

Benito Lertxundi 60 urte iraun duen kantugintza uzten zuela jakinarazi du Durangoko azoka aitzin. 2023an Gernikan grabatu zuen kontzertu baten diskoarekin bururatuko du bere ibilbide handia bezain aberatsa. Bazuen urtea hartua zuela erabakia, ez da erraza izan horren berri... [+]

2024-12-27 | Gedar
Osakidetza cuts 110 health centers at Christmas
In the past Christmas, waiting periods of up to twelve hours were recorded, which have been extended to zero hours. Osakidetza applies such restrictions within 180 days a year.

Ibai Ripodas: “Balorazio oso positiboa egiten dugu, orain gazteek sortu beharko dituzte presoei elkartasuna helarazteko bide berriak”

Hatortxu Rock jaialdiko 29. edizioa egingo da larunbatean Atarrabian. Sarrerak jada agortuta daude, baina txandak osatzeko laguntza behar da oraindik.

2024-12-27 | ARGIA
The LAB trade union has denounced the appointment of URL0 director to "a person who does not know Euskera"
"A person who is not Euskaldun – Nagore de los Rios – has been elected by the EITB General Directorate and as the director of the Social Media section and, consequently, a person who does not know Euskera has been designated as the director of a media that has among... [+]

"Surveillance work is not a concrete activity, it is produced by patriarchal production relationships"
Once the thesis is finished, Lore Lujanbio is happy. Among other things, it has more time for militancy. Questioned about the challenges of the transfeminist movement, identifies: to address the appropriation that neoliberalism has made of the movement, to cope with the rise of... [+]

2024-12-26 | Leire Ibar
Navarre will maintain up to June 50% discounts on public transport
The Government of Navarra will extend the 50% discounts on public transport for six months, until 30 June 2025. The central government will assume 30% of the cost of the transport card, while the Government of Navarra will assume 20%. Compared to the previous year,

Israel kills five journalists in Gaza after taking as a destination the car carrying the badge ‘Press’
At least 201 journalists have been killed by Israel in Gaza since October 2023. The last five deaths from the earthquake on 26 December were working on the Al-Quds television station.

2024-12-26 | Leire Ibar
More than 10,500 migrants have died this year in the attempt to reach the Spanish coasts
In 2024, more than 30 migrants a day have died on average while trying to reach the shores of the Spanish State. Walking Borders has recorded 10,457 deaths and counted 131 boats that have disappeared "without trace". This figure is 58% higher than the previous year, the highest... [+]

The Hatortxu Rock, the last of Villava, is celebrated on Saturday
As announced by the organizers, the traditional festival will take place on December 28 and in July 2025 it will be definitively dismissed with a special four-day festival to "give way to new tools". In total, seventeen bands will act on Saturday.

2024-12-26 | Estitxu Eizagirre
Representatives of Vía Campesina have witnessed the violence suffered by the Palestinian peasants
A delegation from Via Campesina visited Palestine from 8 to 18 December, invited by the Union of Palestinian Working Committees (UAWC), of which it is a member. On this journey, they wanted to show their solidarity with the Palestinian people "amid the genocide taking place in... [+]

Eguneraketa berriak daude