Young market despite centuries
  • The one in Tolosa works for there to be more than just a traditional fair. This Saturday's market is immersed in a very intense revitalization process, with the objective of generating networks of relationships, being able to influence the consumption habits of the buyers, offering closeness, quality and generating relationship networks.
Igor Agirre @igoragirre 2015eko abenduaren 17a
Tolosako Azoka

The market is a quote for the people of Tolosa and surroundings. The market has a history of many years, which is believed to have existed almost eight centuries ago, when the people were created. It is currently divided into two areas: On the Tinglado and on Plaza Verdura.

The building on the banks of the Oria River is called Zerkausia. The protagonist of the famous photograph of Tolosa is used, among other things, to celebrate the fair. Seasonal products from producers and sellers are on sale. In the glazed shed of the plaza de la Verdura there are plants and flowers.

However, consumer habits have changed a lot for a few years. To this end, the Tolosa market is undergoing a process of adaptation and regeneration.

More than just buying and selling

Fairs are more than a space for the exchange of products where relationships are established, culture and language are transmitted and respect for the environment is shown. An example of this is the Lurretik Sukalde initiative. Every week, a chef chooses the seasonal products that are on sale at the exhibition stands and prepares a special dish in Zerkausian. Then you can taste what has been prepared in pintxos.

In order to invigorate the fair and create a different environment, they have also launched the Sormenetik project. This project that brings together culture, Euskera and agriculture, and in which one reflects on culture. In the last session, for example, Jakoba Errekondo, a collaborator of Argia, met with two producers of the fair.

In addition to creating new projects at the fair, they have recently begun to collaborate with the surrounding markets, and in particular with that of Ordizia. Being the most important fairs in the region, most of the baserritars and sellers are located in both. Thus, thanks to the network of municipalities and rural development associations in each region, the dynamization and development of the fairs has focused on a common project. The process of reflection has begun in conjunction with the two fairs and, for example, have visited the baserritarras fairs in London.

In order to show all these activities and to publicize the usual operation of the fair, guided tours are also carried out in Tolosa. Visits make it possible to see the products and to have close treatment with the producers. It is organized by the tourist office of Tolosa and in addition to the people from outside, the locals also take advantage of the visits.

Breaking stereotypes

Just as consumption habits differ from those of a few years ago, baserritars, producers and sellers have changed over time. This is the case of Begoña Aristi. He was born in the farmhouse and began at the fair when he was 21 years old, fifteen years ago. It has its point of sale in Tolosa and the local consumer team supplies them with vegetables. In his view, “direct selling is the best option for baserritars and buyers.”

The appearance of new faces is losing stereotypes about the figure of the vendors of the fair. Today, in Tolosa the figure of the traditional sellers has been exceeded and producers of all styles are found. One of them is the young Donostia Joseba Baez. He studied engineering and was in the factory, quit the job and set up the cheese mill. “In Idiazabal I have family and when I was a child I learned how to make cheese.” He later decided to set up the cheese mill and start selling on the markets.

Young key buyers

Just as a fixed mold has been set around sellers, the figure of market buyers is often associated with older people. The Tolosa market is working to overcome it. Similarly, the need for young shoppers to acquire a shopping habit at the fair is being defined.

The atmosphere and movement that occurs every Saturday in Tolosa is known thanks to the fair. An example of this is the study being carried out by a group of researchers from the UPV/EHU to measure the economic impact that the fair generates in the municipality. The research focuses on figuring out why they don’t approach the fair and why they can attract attendees to it.

Arrate Iturbe is the dynamizing of the fair of Tolosa. In his words, “younger generations do not come so much to the fair. However, the message we send people is not that they have to consume in the market. You have to realize what treasures we have here and get us conscious.”

The producers, baserritars and sellers of the fair in Tolosa have taken a further step and have just created the Garaikoa (Garaikoa) association. This initiative aims to socialize the projects of the fair and analyze how to work it. Despite the centuries, the goal is for the young fair to become the meeting point of the new generations.