PETRONOR. Eusko Jaurlaritzako Ingurumen Sailak 20.001 euroko isuna ipini dio Petronorri, 2014ko ekainaren 21ean gertatutako hauts isurketa dela eta. Istripuaren berri berandu emateagatik zigortu dute Muskizko findegia, baina gertakaria arrisku gabekoa izan zela esan du Eusko Jaurlaritzak. Talde ekologistek adierazi dute positiboa dela Jaurlaritzak Petronorri isuna ezarri izana, baina oro har Lakuak findegiarekin epelegi jokatzen duela. Haien ustez, frogatuta dago ekainaren 21eko ihesean substantzia toxikoak jaurti zirela airera.
In 2021 we began to hear the first echoes of the Guggenheim Urdaibai project. The then General Manager Unai Rementeria told us that it would be done yes or yes. To reinforce his claims, he left 40 million euros “shielded” by the time the museums were built. There it is!... [+]
“I will overturn, overturn, overturn, it[...]”
Ezekiel 21:27 – King James Version
“Above all algorithms, below all algorithms”
Xabier Landabidea
I’m uncomfortable, uncomfortable with the almost religious attitude our society has taken towards technology, and... [+]