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Crowdfunding to bring to light the experiences of citizens

  • Donbass: ARGIA has launched a fundraising campaign to publish the documentary Gerra Europaren bihotzean (in the heart of Europe). The work is based on first-hand testimonies from journalists Ibai Trebiño and Mikel Arrangi in Ukraine, Crimea and Donbass.
Donbasseko gatazkaren ikur bihurtu da Donetskeko aireportua kontrolpean izateko borroka.
Donbasseko gatazkaren ikur bihurtu da Donetskeko aireportua kontrolpean izateko borroka.Ibai Trebiño

“We intend to go to Donbass’s war front to give voice to the other side that most Western mass media don’t show, the other side they hide.” The proposal made by Treviño and Arrangi to the ARGIA team was very clear. The result of this adventure is the number of reports, photos, videos and opinion articles we have published. Work with a critical perspective, accompanied by first-hand testimonies that few European journalists have received.

Donbass comes to round the result of this prolific work: Documentary War in the heart of Europe. The documentary, promoted by ARGIA, aims to publicize the context and consequences of a war that is still very unknown to the majority of Basque society. Edit recordings of dozens of hours, translate to Basque and other languages (English, French, Spanish, Italian…) the costs of the production of the work… there is a lot of work behind the documentary. Therefore, in order to be able to do the work in proper conditions and because the work done by the authors as freelance deserves a dignified reward, we have launched a crowdfunding to receive financial contributions.

The original version of the documentary will be in Basque, given the weight of the issue outside the Basque Country, we also want to add versions in Spanish and English. According to the money we obtain through crowdfunding, we will translate it into other languages (Catalan, French…).

Born in Euskal Herria, thought of Euskera and made with fewer resources, we want to address a frontline issue of global geopolitics. Because we are aware that the economic interests of the owners of the big media make it imperative that the dissemination of the vision that is hidden is only in the hands of the independent media.

“Some neighbourhoods in Donetsk are completely destroyed. There's hardly anything to stand by. I was deeply moved by the lives of those who lived in solitary confinement. Several families have survived for months in an unfortunate state, without leaving the shelters against air strikes. We have received the direct effects of a war like this,” says Mikel Arrangi.

Ukraine has undergone profound political change following the events of February 2014 in Kiev, which have struck Ukraine. Following the protests, which became popular with Maidan’s name, a coup d’état took place. The political, economic and social situation in Ukraine has since undergone profound changes.

In April, the citizens of Luhansk and Donetsk who did not admit the new Kiev leaders rose up and, in response, Ukrainian President Poroshenko embarked on the Donbass War. The war began a humanitarian chaos that had not been seen for a long time in Europe, which has generated 1,500,000 refugees, and they decided to go there to make the documentary so that what was lived, heard and seen in Crimea and Donbass is collected as a historical document.

Ibai Trebiño

33 urteko gasteiztarra. argiako kolaboratzailea. 2014an Donbassera lehen aldiz bidaiatu zuenetik, hiru aldiz izan da gatazka gunean. Denbora tarte horretan gatazka horri buruzko erreferente bihurtu da. Pasa den maiatzean Eusko Legebiltzarreko Giza Eskubideen batzordean Donbassi buruzko hitzaldia ematera gonbidatu zuten.

Mikel Arregi

29 urteko arrasatearra kazetaritzan dabil aspalditik. Lehen pausoak irratian eman zituen Radio Euskadi, Euskadi Irratia eta Onda Vascan esatari moduan. Arrasateko Mondraberri egunkari digitalean aritu da kazetari eta kamerari. Egun EiTBko berriemailea da Madrilen.

Ekarpena egiteko aukerak

10, 15 eta 20 euroko laguntzak sortu ditugu, trukean izena kredituetan, dokumentala DVD formatuan eta argiaren kamiseta jasoko dute ekarpena egiten dutenek. 50 euroko ekarpen berezia ere prestatu dugu, dokumentalaren emanaldia eta egileekin solasaldia antolatuko genuke ordainetan. Ondorengo helbidean dago ekarpena emateko aukera:

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