“Although born to kill our sector, euthanasia will kill, or rather, they will let die peacefully, they are abandoning.
Yes, I will soon have to move to work, unable to fit into this long murder. What happens is that Euskal Herria is not Euskaldun, that our dream has not been fulfilled; but still, we are going to disappear. Little by little, without drawing attention, because almost nobody cares about the Euskaldunization of adults.
The rooms are being emptied for a thousand reasons. On the one hand, because it is very expensive, prices are scandalous to learn our language, which is also official. 8 hours a week from 400 euros throughout the course. Do not forget that learning Spanish is free at the CAV, with the help of the Department of Education of the Basque Government. The Basque does not. (...)
And the Euskaltegis are there, waiting for the imperious need in Euskal Herria to continue, while the agony of the sector is starting well, by strangeness, by laziness. I am pessimistic, but there are many guilds, because we are witnessing reality. ”
Plazara, AEK, Uda Leku, Dindaia eta Ebete antolakundeak Baionan elkartu dira Famili'on egonaldi ibiltariaren lehen edizioa aurkezteko. Hizkuntza mailaren arabera eskaintza bat edo beste egongo da eta haur zein gurasoentzat izango da udaberrian.
It is not Christmas, however, there will soon be decorations in the big shops to announce it, or at least they say so. In the shop window “Zorionak! Claims like “Gabon ederra passes!” will be exposed everywhere. However, congratulations can be many: the lottery, bringing a... [+]
Badira sei-zazpi urte kartzelan dauden presoek euskara ikasteko duten eskubidea bermatzeko helburuarekin, lanean aritu den euskara-irakasleen sare bat: Presoen Euskara Irakasleen Taldea.