If the rain is apparent, in the way that the river then brings a significant burden of water, this year is a year of fruit. Then we will have to take stock of what has happened this year: tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum), bell pepper (Capsicum annuum), apples (Malus x domestica), peral (Pyrus communis), plum (Prunus domestica), avellano (Corylus lana), etc. Those who come are shows, but they don't look bad at corn (Zea mays), beans (Phaseolus vulgaris), nogales (Juglans regia), black thorns (Prunus spinosa) and mizpiros (Mespilus germanica).
This year is a good year, and I want to take advantage of the delivery of the fruits to remember some basic things. For example: the fruits have not been produced, grown and brought to eat or drink. The function of the fruit is to collect and channel the seeds; seeds that produce new from the species of the parent plant that has given the fruit. As I said on another occasion, each seed is the container of unique and unparalleled genetic information. Creator of a singular plant, an isaba that will not have the same in its species.
If the objective of two plants with which a sexual relationship has been established for the production of semen, i.e. the creation of new plants, is to be adequate, a number of essential requirements must be met. The first is that the seed comes well and recovers, healthy and strong. Untanned seed will not create new plants. For this creation to be as easy and feasible as possible, the seed should follow the most natural path possible. In nature, an animal will eat and spread the seeds with its dose of manure. Or, by ripening the fruit, falling and corrupted on the earth, it gives “land” to the seeds it carries.
A putrefaction is the means to achieve the objective of the life of the plant. The saying goes that the assumption is halved. What if everything had rotten? The assumption, that is, the creation of a coming plant, is not a mere assumption? Or empty it? Isn't all creation insignificant? A plant is formed from the vacuum putrefaction! I think so. When the wood looks rotten. Isn't it imagining?
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