From the ground
Edu Zelaieta Anta 2015eko irailaren 02a

The monitor moves through the ground so that children learn how to swim. Curious teaching method by swimming. No wet. In any case, pedagogy is known: do what I say, not what I do. Historically there have been many cures that have practiced this type of learning, as well as (other) authorities, especially those that have dedicated themselves to the main centers of poder.La monitors has carried out the entire program on
the ground, with a short sleeve t-shirt. And he's done it every day until the end of the course. Without getting wet, giving instructions and orders aloud, from time to time unopens, the distinctive t-shirt he's wearing: he's the only person who's not in a swimsuit. However, it's not the only difference: the only one who doesn't practice swimming is the monitor that teaches swimming. Start dry, dry, dry.
The new course starts from the ground, right at the gates of the Catalan elections. And that is that in Madrid, as in the course of swimming, the law of the earth is the norm. We have to see what attitude the voters who enter the moving waters take, and whom they will listen to in order not to drown.