Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

"We've basically won to own our rights."

  • In 1987, Euskalerria Irratia began his journey without a license and 27 years later the permission of so many desires and desires came. Director Mikel Bujanda has worked in the front line to obtain the license.
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

What assessment does it make of obtaining a licence?

It could have arrived earlier, but UPN did not want it. UPN also knew that, in the score given by the 1998 recruitment table, the first was our project, and if that same procedural table had ended we would have been granted the licence, but in which the then counsellor and the director-general participated and turned the situation around. Anyone who had examined the Bureau's report, whether it was a judge or not, would immediately see the injustice. UPN has had countless occasions to correct it, but he did not want it. The final decision has now been taken by a bureau which has been appointed by the UPN itself. We do not know what the real desire of UPN was, but we have taken the decision with joy. And yet, we have a warm heart, but a cool head, that's our motto.

With the change of government it was expected that the license would be obtained sooner or later, but it has come out of the procedure of the previous government. Did you expect something like this?

Well, yes, I won't deny it, we waited. We knew we had the right to a license, but we have always believed that we would win the legal cause. In 2014, we were aware of the ruling of the Madrid High Court of Justice and it terminated the judicial procedure and ordered the Government of Navarra to resume the distribution of licences with the score fixed in 1998. The UPN Government took a long time and the first meeting of the House took place in June last year. Since then we have been asking for information and we saw that the work was advanced. Before leaving the Government, therefore, UPN could approve the valuation made by its procurement bureau. They will know why, but they have not wanted to do so and have found what the new government has done.

What's this changing in the day-to-day radio?

It is called legal certainty, but basically we have gained ownership of our rights, it is like moving from a feudal society to a modern democratic society. This must have consequences in the professional sphere, in the recruitment and in the development of our project. So far we have been in a situation of legal uncertainty which has been a major obstacle. This, in turn, has brought us added solidarity and support from the Basque point of view. We would like to continue with the complicity of this aid. Our objective is to offer a project of functional and quality communication to the Basque population of the Region of Pamplona; now we will have a better opportunity to offer this service.

Once this wall has fallen, the next step will be to get the subsidies of the Government of Navarra, right?

This achievement must be extended to all areas. Our main revenue is advertising and so far we have completely rejected institutional advertising; one example is that we have to normalise. In our view, this should be a great boost, both in the economic and professional spheres.

Emisio gutxiko eremua behin-behinean etetea erabaki du Euskal Hirigune Elkargoak

Frantziako legebiltzarrean Errepublikanoek eta Batasun Nazionalekoek egindako zuzenketen harira dator erabakia. Zuzenketak onartu dituzte, eta, beraz, Euskal Hirigune Elkargoak emisio gutxiko eremua ezartzeko gastu ekonomikorik ez egitea erabaki du.

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