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Marcelo Usabiaga, ideiei eustearen ordaina

  • Frankismoaren errepresioa latz bizi izan zuen: 21 urte kartzelan, langile batailoietan esklabo, Meliton Manzanasek ere torturatu zuen. 98 urterekin hil da Marcelo Usabiaga Jauregi,
    ezkerreko ideiak alboratu gabe.

1978an, jadanik diktadorea hilda zela, Pikoketara jo zuen anaiaren hezurren bila. Gainerako fusilatuen senitartekoekin aritu zen lurra mugitzen: “Ez genuen hezur bakoitza norena zen jakin nahi izan. Berreskuratu nahi genituen, duintasunez lurperatu. Beste
1978an, jadanik diktadorea hilda zela, Pikoketara jo zuen anaiaren hezurren bila. Gainerako fusilatuen senitartekoekin aritu zen lurra mugitzen: “Ez genuen hezur bakoitza norena zen jakin nahi izan. Berreskuratu nahi genituen, duintasunez lurperatu. Besterik ez”. Errepublika garaiko argazkian, Marcelo Usabiaga ezkerrean lehenengoa, eta haren ondoan anaia Bernardo, 1936an fusilatua.Mugalari / Usabiaga familiak utzita

Marcelo Usabiaga (Ordizia 1916, Donostia 2015) oso ezaguna zen oroimen historikoaren berreskurapenaren aldeko mugimenduetan. Bere lekukotza indartsuak ez zuen inor hotz uzten. Argian ere azaldu ditu gerran eta Frankismoan bizitako esperientziak, Josu Chueca historialariaren eta Aitor Azurki kazetariaren eskutik.

Irunen hazitakoa, II. Errepublika garaian hasi zen Alderdi Komunistan militatzen eta 1934ko iraultzak porrot egin ondoren mugaz bestaldera ihesi zihoazen burkideak laguntzen jardun zuen. 1936an gerra lehertu zenean Irungo batailan parte hartu zuen; Aiako Harrietan anaia fusilatu zioten eta bera 1937an atzeman zuten Valentzian.

Usabiaga  Donostiako Tolosa hiribidea egiten eduki zuten lanean, “harriz betetako bagoiak bultzatzen”. Harik eta ihes egin eta makien gerrillan sartu zen arte. 1944ko erasoan berriz atxilotu zuten eta Meliton Manzanas inspektore beldurgarriak torturatu zuen:

“Gela batean sartu ninduen Manzanasek: ‘Aurrera joan, kabroi alena!’; eta mehatxuka: ‘Beno, zuk denak ordaindu beharko dituzu!’”. Baita ederki ordaindu ere, 21 urte igaro zituen kartzelan.

Azkeneko urteetan militantzia politikoa ez zuen bazterrean utzi eta oroimen historikoa berreskuratzeko ekitaldietan parte hartu izan zuen. Aurten, apirilaren 14an Eibarren egindako ekitaldian, berak jaso zuen bandera errepublikarra.

The OECD warns that it remains the first force in the Northern Basque Country, with 48% of the votes received
This February 6, the votes for the Department’s Chamber of Agriculture have been counted. The FDSEA, promoter of agribusiness, remains the first force in the department that brings together the Biarno and the Northern Basque Country, but has lost its strength: It went from 54%... [+]

Hundreds of women killed and raped in prison in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
The United Nations has stated that hundreds of women in a prison there after the capture of the city of Goma were burned alive by M23 rebels and all killed. The UN has also denounced the use of sexual violence "as a weapon" by armed groups fighting in the north east of the... [+]

Statement of the Basque Committee of the EITB
With this letter, the Basque Committee of the EITB and the EITB bodies that underwrite it wish to express their concern and rejection of the selection processes that have been put in place in recent months for the management positions of the EITB, since the demand for knowledge... [+]

Euskaraz in the Basque Country calls a national demonstration for April 6 in Bayonne
The demonstration will take place at 11:30 a.m. at the Palace of Justice. The movement has extended its call for the rights of the Basques and in solidarity with the defendants. The defendants painted "Justice for Basque" at the Court of Justice of Bayonne on Euskara Day last year... [+]

Trump’s proposed clean-up for Gaza has made ethnics dusty internationally and in the US
The U.S. president’s intention to expel Palestinians from Gaza has provoked numerous backlash in both international and domestic politics, including in the Republican Party. Most have accused him of promoting “ethnic cleansing,” but Trump continues to reaffirm his... [+]

Maddi Isasi, feminist secretary of the LAB
"We want LAB to be the subject that makes a union contribution to the construction of a Basque Feminist Country"
The feminist secretariat of the LAB union has published the book “Everyone with a Name”, based on the testimonies of several feminist members. “We have carried out a genealogy or a glossary or maybe both things are together or it may not be one or the other... but in any... [+]

Ortuzar will not continue to lead the PNV and leaves the way free for Esteban
It will not present itself in the internal process of the PNV, although it has triumphed in the votes so far. All indications are that Aitor Esteban will be the new leader of the EBB.

Vice-President Torres expresses the Government’s commitment to promoting the arms industry, in response to Zedarria
The second Vice-President and Minister of Economy, Labour and Employment explained that he will “support” the sector in the face of the new “opportunities” that have been praised and extended to the arms industry. “Another issue is the ideological positions that each... [+]

Five years after Kabbalah’s catastrophe, unclarified responsibilities and unquestioned landfill control
It has been five years since 800,000 tons of trash fell on the slopes of Zaldibar and was carried by the workers Joaquín Beltrán and Alberto Sololuze. The judicial investigation is still unfinished, Verter Recycling has not paid anything for the sealing work, and the control... [+]

From the Caldereros: A blackface in San Sebastian?

I don't want my daughter disguising herself as a Gypsy in the caldereros. I don’t want Gypsy children at my daughter’s school to dress up as Gypsies in caldereros. Because being a gypsy is not a disguise. Because being a gypsy is not a party that takes place once a year, with... [+]

2025-02-06 |
The carnival that was lost a long time ago in Lazkao will be revived
In recent weeks we have read that in Lazkao they are thinking of recovering the carnival that was lost in the decade of 1960-70. On the basis of these festivities, various local groups will gather and celebrate the Carnival on February 28. To learn more, we asked Anne Zubiarrain... [+]

2025-02-06 | Gedar
Buses set to travel to Vitoria-Gasteiz on Friday to protest against Maccabi
The Israeli state basketball team will play in Vitoria-Gasteiz on Friday and Solidarity with Palestine has called for its mobilisation.

The government changes its renewable land plan to make more space for large-scale wind turbines
On December 20, the Basque Government approved the provisional version of the plan and a large number of “low and medium” capacity areas are now listed as “medium and high” capacity.

More than 1,000 signatures for the convent of Kristobaldegi in San Sebastián to be for the neighborhood of Txomiñén
It has been highlighted that the neighborhood has many needs and that Kristobaldegi can respond to the needs: neighborhood gardens, warehouse, cultural center, nursing home, etc.

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