Who has no respect for Euskera?
Onintza Irureta Azkune @oirureta 2015eko uztailaren 23a
Ezkerretik eskuinera, Iñaki Martinez de Luna, EGOD egitasmoaren zuzendaria, Patxi Baztarrika HPSko sailburuordea eta Xabier Erize EGODeko lantaldeko kidea.
Ezkerretik eskuinera, Iñaki Martinez de Luna, EGOD egitasmoaren zuzendaria, Patxi Baztarrika HPSko sailburuordea eta Xabier Erize EGODeko lantaldeko kidea.Argazki Press

In Araba, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa, at least 97% of respondents said that the Basque country should be treated with respect. On the other hand, 14% of the Basque people are mistrust. Further conclusions are drawn from the EGOD survey: 85% of the population of the CAV consider that the Basque country has a pragmatic value, 81% that must promote it and 61% that must demand it.

The survey is only part of the most ambitious project. The EGOD project has been launched by the Vice-Ministry of Language Policy of the Basque Government. It is a project to elaborate Basic Discourses on the Basque Country. The VPL aims to analyze, contrast, renew and share basic discourses on language. To do so, they have used several forms: surveys, discussion groups, expert forum and bibliographic examination, among others. They have worked on five groups: respect, pragmatic value, promotion, vindication and mistrust.

The strategic axes most strongly supported in the development of the EGOD are:

- The Vasophile discourse based on solidarity must be strengthened.
- From the thought that “Euskera is necessary”, to change “languages are necessary” to thought.
- Exclusion of linguistic policy from ideological debate, controversy and partisan interests.
- Expand and complement the identity perspective to new conceptions.
- The Community meaning of its own is much wider than that of the area to which it adheres: from nationalist symbolism, becoming a symbol of citizenship in general.
- Associating Euskera with positive values and personal gratifying experiences.
- To improve the perception and image of the Basque Country, focusing especially on young people.
- Leave the hyper-righteousness behind.
- To develop and implement a strategy to overcome the symbolic violence on the Basque people that prevails in society, in order to remove the complexity of a dominated language and to be able to live dignified in it.