Orchard with little economic resource but a lot of social
Itsaso Zubiria Etxeberria 2015eko uztailaren 23a
Deustuko gaztetxean hasi ziren ortu komunitarioaren proiektuarekin, baina txiki geratuta, Aranbeitiko bizilagun baten lur zatia hartzeko aukera izan zuten.
Deustuko gaztetxean hasi ziren ortu komunitarioaren proiektuarekin, baina txiki geratuta, Aranbeitiko bizilagun baten lur zatia hartzeko aukera izan zuten.Baratza Taldea

A short walk from the smoke whirlwind on Lehendakari Aguirre Avenue, in the Aranbeiti district, Saioa Baciggin is located in one of the small green treasures hidden by big cities. Azurra in the hand stirring the tomatoes, occupies its turn in the communal garden channeled from the Gazte Asanblada de Deusto.

For the Baratza group, the Aranbeiti orchard is more than a field for production, they see it as a learning process. Group learning process. Those who know more are teaching those who know less how to know the rural world and how to relate differently to nature, to land. But this orchard doesn't make sense if it's not communal, they don't want the plot to separate and everyone has their own garden. They know some models of this kind, but they don't have the strength that the collective gives them. The decisions are assembly in the Aranbeiti orchard, and although this slows down the process, they consider that each step of the group is stronger.

How is the distribution of products in the Community garden done?

They laugh when they hear that question because they don't have a concrete formula to do it, but logic. Each member knows that the fruits of everyone’s work are of each and each one calculates what they have to collect and what they have to collect. We can call it a confidence-based collection system, as we do in a normal family or family distribution.

Creation and exchange of seeds

You don't have to buy seeds in Aranbeiti. The seeds are preserved from the products they pick up a year and are prepared for next year, while others are exchanged with other groups and people. Some seeds are distributed to those around you or who are experiencing similar experiences, but there are also groups that are dedicated to it, such as the Seed Network. As far as its possibilities are concerned, indigenous products are sown and not only in the orchard, where a few months ago several fruit trees from the Basque Country were changed in the corners of the area.

Land improves. Horticulturists say that in these four years the change has been evident. They have clay soil, but it's getting transformed as they're being made, they rotate so they don't put the same products in the same place, and they say that the composting extracted from their composting has also gotten a lot better.

In this garden, which is developed with scarce economic resources, most openings are abandoned or donated by anyone and try to obtain the necessary material from what is offered by the environment and by the workforce.

Baratza taldea

Proiektua: Baratze komunitarioa.

Kokapena: Aranbeiti auzoa (Bilbo)

Noiztik martxan: 2011 urtetik.

Kide kopurua: hamar lagun inguru.

Helburua: Hiritarrak nekazal mundura gerturatu eta lurrarekin harreman zuzenagoa izatea.