EITB will respect the language of the interlocutors in their statements
Onintza Irureta Azkune @oirureta 2015eko uztailaren 16a

EiTB journalists will inform their interlocutor that they can do so only in Basque, Spanish, or both languages. According to the EiTB note, viewers will be in favour of opening a window to the Basque country in the Spanish channels.

That is to say, when journalists from television or radio stations ask for statements, the interlocutor will tell in what language he wants to do it, or if he wants to do it to both. According to the note published by EiTB, the radio or television itself will use subtitles or statements by the journalist to prevent any loss of information by the listener. In ETB2, in Radio Euskadi and in Radio Vitoria there is talk about the presence that the statements in Basque can have when talking about it.

Euskalgintza had already asked EITB on several occasions to respect the linguistic option, and to accept the possibility of making statements in Basque in the channels that speak in Spanish.

In 2014, the initiative was promoted by the association Lea-ArtiBAI Euskarari and UEMA. They were then joined by the region of Urola Kosta. In April 2015, many representatives of the world of sport and Basque culture asked for this initiative, including Andoni Egaña, Pako Aristi, Itziar Ituño, Gaizka Garitano, Aitor Gorosabel, Ramón Agirre, Mikel Markez, AMETS Arzallus, and Iñtola.