Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

"If you become thousands of Euskaldunes like the blog, the Ertzaintza will be Euskaldun"

  • Endika Etxebarria is the administrator of the Harlax blog. In 2013, four Ertzainas launched the blog as a simple support to promote the use of Euskera among the Ertzainas. This is what the blog says: Agents of the Ertzaintza also in favor of the Basque country. Here or there -- but do whatever you want. Etxebarria is a blogger and professor of Euskera at the Arkaute Academy.  
“Gurean euskara ikasten ari diren ertzainak blogean sartzera animatzen ditugu, baita hizkuntza eskakizuna ateratzeko asmoa dutenak eta eskolara etortzen ez direnak ere”.E. E.k utzia
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Why did you create the blog?

It was created in 2013, but it has a background. After giving Basque classes to the Ertzaines, we would open small blogs so that the relationship with the students would not be lost and they would not lose the thread related to Euskera. We put material in to keep them working. We didn't want the effort and the investment to be useless: you're Euskaldun and don't lose the level you have.

Did you create today's blog two years ago?

In 2013, we took it seriously and decided to do something stable. We deleted the other blogs. We gave him the slogan: Agents of the Ertzaintza also in favor of the Basque country. It's called Harlax, because it's the name that the technical magazine had for the Ertzainas that was published at the time. We are four in the blog, we are all professors or trainers of Euskera. I'm the administrator. The others pass the contents to me by e-mail and photocopy and I post them. We started working on Euskera Day 2013, December 3.

Are you on social media?

We have Twitter and Facebook. In the former, we are more dynamic than in the latter. In the Basque world we open accounts related to the Ertzaintza. Again, for example, we made known to the woman who had been fined. One of the Hernaniards was fined, but he managed to speak in Basque with the Ertzaines.

What do you want to offer in the blog?

It's not a place to learn Basque. We want to promote the use of Euskera, motivate the Ertzaines and share information. We encourage the Ertzaines who are learning Euskera to enter the blog, those who intend to take the profile and those who do not come to school. We put questions related to themes of the Ertzaintza, videos related to the trade, and often news or articles that collect the technical vocabulary.

It's a blog made on a voluntary basis. Should there be a similar official website?

I think so. Half of the Ertzaintza agents will retire within ten years. Half of Arkaute’s students are accredited to level B2, and many have EGA. It was previously unthinkable, but nowadays there are subjects taught in Basque. The impulse in favor of the Basque country must come from all sides, from the students, from a simple blog...

Do you feel strong in favor of the Basque Country in the Ertzaintza?

Little by little, the impulse, as it happens in society. There was a time when the attitude of Garitano (Eibar football coach Gaizka Garitano) would be incomprehensible, but now they also understand it in Almeria.

We are at the top of the wave and we have to take advantage of it. The Arkaute Academy speaks a lot of Basque, the first word is Basque, we have groups of mintzalagun, we have participated in the Korrika. There was a time when these situations were unthinkable. Today, I see great progress.

It says that the blog is a space for the Basque. You are an Basque professor of ertzainas. It's going to be another space.

Those who come to the schools do not know each other and we take advantage of them to acquire the habit of speaking in Basque, as with the acquaintances of always doing so in Spanish. We propose to use new codes with new friends. What about school is a space that we've tried to move in some way to the network. If a thousand spaces like ours become Euskaldunes, surely the Ertzaintza will be Euskaldun.

He says there are many Basque Ertzainas. The citizen does not have that impression. We are often unable to speak in Basque.

Not so many years ago the recommendations came out. The first of the rights that citizens have is the right to language. All rights, including those rights, must be respected. What can be the procedure? Apologize because the official does not comply with the law and cannot provide the service. The citizen has the right and does not have to give up. You will have to ask for forgiveness and find an agent that knows Euskera.

Sometimes they understand everything, but they don't dare to talk.

Those who get the linguistic profile have level B2. They don't speak well, and when they talk to people, they retire. They may be adapted in simple situations, but when it comes to violent situations or situations that require technical vocabulary, they don't fit well. Basque students recognize that when they speak or try to speak in Basque, the attitude of the people is better. Often, Euskaldunzaharras, even though they do not have the linguistic profile, do much better in these situations.

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