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Hizkuntza aukeratzeko askatasuna bermatu nahi izatea... komeni denean

Iruñeko Udalak ez du onartzen aurrematrikulazioan haur eskolarako hizkuntzaz galdetzea.EHE

Espainiako Hezkuntza Ministerioak helegitea jarri du Kataluniako Justizia Auzitegi Nagusian. Epailearen erabakiaren aurka egin nahi du, Kataluniako hezkuntza publikoan, aurrematrikulazioetan, hizkuntza aukeratzea nola agertzen den ez dagoelako ados. Ekaineko aurrematrikulazioa ez omen dute oztopatu nahi, baina Hezkuntza Ministerioak eskatu du epe bat uzteko gurasoek haien seme-alabak zein hizkuntzatan ikastea nahi duten esan dezaten. Kataluniako PPk eta Ciutadansek babestu dute Ministerioaren eskaera, gainerako alderdiek (CiU, ERC, PSC, ICV-EUiA eta CUP) aurkako iritzia eman dute.

Beste behin hizkuntza aukeratzeko askatasuna mahai gainean. Katalunian 1970eko hamarkadaren bukaeran eta 1980koaren hasieran eztabaida handia izan zuten eskolako hizkuntza ereduari buruz, ea ikasleen lehen hizkuntza bermatu behar zen ala ohiko hizkuntzatzat katalana hartu behar zen. 1960-70 hamarkadetan milioi bat andaluziar eta extremaduratar heldu ziren (geroago iritsiko zen bigarren atzerritar aldia). Haur Hezkuntzan eta Lehen Hezkuntzan katalana hizkuntza ardatz hartzea erabaki zen, gaztelania ikasgaia baino ez zen izango. Jendarte katalanaren gehiengoaren ustez, orduan hartutako erabakiek ondorio onak baino ez dituzte izan. Milaka katalan hiztun atera dira eskoletatik, eta batez ere bertakoen, Espainiako Estatutik joandakoen eta geroago urrutiagotik heldutakoen artean batasun soziala eta elkarbizitza bideratzeko gakoetako bat izan da. Esan beharrik ez dago eskolako hizkuntza ereduak gaztelaniaren bizirautea ez duela arriskuan jarri.

Valentziako Gobernuak ere egin zuen antzeko saiakera 2014ko hondarrean. Ikastetxeetako gurasoei haien haurrentzat zein eskola-hizkuntza nahi zuten galdetu zien, aukeran gaztelania/ingelesa eta valentziera/ingelesa jarriz.

Iruñean 18 haur eskola publiko daude, bi baino ez euskaraz eta biak Txantrea auzoan. Gurasoek askotan eskatu dute aurrematrikulazio garaian galdetzeko zein hizkuntzatan nahi dituzten eskolak haurrentzat, eta zein auzotan. 1.399 plazatik 164 dira euskaraz eta gurasoek egindako kontaketaren arabera 466 haur euskarazkoan matrikulatuko lituzkete.

Galdetzearena, komenentziaren arabera.

2024-12-13 | ARGIA
Euskarabidea will have a budget of €13.4 million in 2025, 9.7% more than last year
The parties are negotiating these days in the Parliament of Navarra the closure of next year’s budgets and have agreed that the entity responsible for the normalisation of the Basque country will have 1.3 million more than last year.

French justice prohibits the use of Catalan in the municipalities of Northern Catalonia
The judgment has been handed down by the Court of Appeal of Toulouse of Occitania, which has ruled that Catalan cannot be used as a first language in town halls, and that if it does so in French, it can be translated into Catalan.

Samira Belyouaou, Amazon speaker
"I, daughter of the diaspora, lived fighting myself in Germany."
Samira Belyouaou (Heidelberg, Germany, 1994) is the daughter of the diaspora. Her parents, born in Rif (Morocco), her daughter Samira in Germany and four more children, had their mother tongue in the Amazon. In the course of the translation career, he works in a software company... [+]

2024-12-13 | ARGIA
The KoopFabrika School of Entrepreneurship will start without subsidy from the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa
KoopFabrika is a free school for people and groups wanting to launch cooperative and community economic projects. The registration period is now open. The first meeting will be held on 28 January. Olatukoop, Gezki and Lanki have been in charge of organizing the ninth edition of... [+]

Maritxu and Katalina: Because the stories of dissidents sex and gender lost in the files are part of History.
At the end of the 15th century or the beginning of the 16th century, she was arrested, imprisoned, tortured, stripped of everything and exiled Catherine of Belauntza, for refusing “carnal relations” with Maredi of Oiartzun. We know of this 500 year incognito event and lost... [+]

The Council calls on parties to make legislative changes to ensure the official status of the Basque Country throughout Navarre
In November the Council ratified the state of emergency of the Basque Country and the community of speakers throughout the Basque Country and on Thursday it explained in Pamplona what this situation is in Navarre. He has also stressed the importance of doing everything possible... [+]

They propose the construction of a hotel spa in the monumental complex of Quejana
The Catalan architect Estela Roca Rom has been the winner of the ideas competition organized by the Provincial Council of Álava. The foral institution will begin to look for public-private channels to finance the project.

2024-12-13 | Leire Ibar
GKS organizes mobilizations against war and fascism by 25 January
The Socialist Youth Coordinator has organized mobilizations in Bilbao and Pamplona/Iruña to denounce the Western authorities' commitment to war. It has therefore called for mobilisation in the face of the rise of fascism in Catalonia.

2024-12-13 | Julene Flamarique
In the largest companies in Spain, executive executives pay 118 times the average
Jesús María Herrera, executive director of CIE Automotive, received a remuneration of almost EUR 24 million in 2023. In 2022, she received an extraordinary premium of EUR 20 million and rose six times the annual wage. Iberdrola took a place on the podium and the report reveals... [+]

2024-12-13 | Euskal Irratiak
The ELB wants to respond jointly and severally to the consequences of the bluetongue disease of sheep
The ELB trade union calls for solidarity for those who have suffered the bluetongue disease of sheep. At the beginning of December, more than 650 sheep in the department have been affected. In some cases, breeders have lost dozens of sheep, especially marros. Some farms have... [+]

They condemn nineteen farmers who participated in the unrest at the door of the Foral Parliament
During the plenary session, the peasants tried to get into the chamber by force. They have reached an agreement with the prosecution to prevent a crime of aggression against the institutions.

Women scientists have worse media and social media experience
The Science Media Centre Spain (SCM) of the FECYT has published the report “Experiences of researchers in their relationship with the media and social networks”, based on a survey conducted in collaboration with the research group Gureiker of the UPV/EHU. According to the... [+]

Autonomy, a new step
EHBai has prepared a proposal for a Statute of Autonomy as a step towards the full sovereignty of our nation.

Eguneraketa berriak daude