Finland is, according to them, one of the most valued educational models in the world. Everyone will accept it without major problems, whether left-wing or right-wing, whether public, private or cooperative. Where are the keys? Some clues: “School hours are less than in many other countries. The youngest do not spend more than four or five hours in school. It is important that class hours are not taken all day, because there is life beyond school” (…).
“For everyone to develop their skills in what is best, that is the basis (…) The other key is trust: in the non-university levels there are hardly any studies, it is only done once high school is finished and more than anything by tradition. The only thing that is achieved with the tests is that the work is aimed at overcoming them; and in our case, the learning process itself is more important than what the students learn.” What's going on? Among other things, the quality level of the students “is uniform, those who have problems or worse results are not sanctioned, they are helped to acquire the highest level”.
They study three languages: Finnish, Swedish and a third. “This does not influence outcomes, but many studies have shown that bilingual teaching improves learning ability.” This is the words of Leo Pakhin, a member of the School Council of Finland, gathered from the interview published last May 4 in El Diario Vasco by Nerea Azurmendi.
In Finland there will also be guide dogs, but it seems to be approaching educational paradise, especially if you look from the whirlwind of LOMCE tests in the Basque Country. In Navarre, almost 7,000 First Division boys and girls will take a four-day exam this week that will mark the first record of quality in their academic record. Over the month, about 1,500 students will attend 30 CAV educational centers in a more diffuse way, but in the trail of the LOMCE in Madrid or if you mean “applied here”.
Faced with the great rejection of LOMCE by the educational community, the educational authorities have called for calm in the CAV and in Navarre. There are no major changes with respect to the first assessment of the 3rd grade of Primary Education, but it must be done in a compulsory manner; it will not be important in the academic record, but scores 1, 2 and 3 will be overcome and not exceeded. What about the curriculum? Of course, Madrid sets it.
It's a shame to see how as boys and girls progress in elementary school they lose interest in school content. More and more content to learn from memory, more domestic work “for young people to acquire discipline and habit”. Average illness in houses without academic problems, cruising route before dinner with the mediocre in school.
There are also different forms of happiness, in different educational models, in the efforts of many teachers and parents of schools, in the associations that bring them together, in the increasingly participative communities…
And unfortunately, for the time being, competition and the stream of content is too strong for the education that puts the person, the community and the values at the centre to move forcefully forward. The LOMCE could be withdrawn if pp fails to manage in Madrid in the next legislature, but one of the most important studies to advance towards another education remains that of parents, as most parents remain trapped in the sacred threesome of content, domestic work and competition.
I'm not going to be the one who takes away the importance of laws, especially when they're not our own, but right now, to be practical and above all until the end of ESO, can anyone do more than parents to press access to education for our sons and daughters? Is there talk between parents then? On pressure for household chores, for example on the domestic language, on real household chores (cleaning, meals, care...), on competition control... And what to say, at least in Navarre, about the continual correction of the curriculum? Or do our thousands of 13-year-olds still have to learn how successful the conquest of Spain was in America?
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Martxoaren 1ean ospatuko du NNPEK-k urteurrena argazki erakusketa eta txalaparta ikuskizun batekin.
Trumpen itzulera pizgarri izan da sendotuz doan eskuin muturreko erreakzionarioen mugimenduarentzat. Izan ere, historikoki, faxismoaren gorakada krisi ekonomikoekin lotuta egon da, baita sistemaren zilegitasun politiko eta ideologikoaren krisiarekin ere. Gaur egun, geldialdi... [+]
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