Although the Azeribuztana – Equisetum sp. – is one of the oldest plants, it can carry the handkerchief of the most modern.
It's curious. It does not give flowers to reproduce and, therefore, neither fruit nor seeds. To climb, multiply, use spores, the path that ferns and mushrooms use. A bountiful road in humid areas.
It was said that they bound the Azeribuztana to rabies, flies and not flies, to scare those who approached. The tail certainly cuts; the tail plus the right tail.
Its most praised components are the silicates that the plant has on the skin, especially as a cure and complement. In Azeributza, the telmatei Equisetum came to America with its slaves. Apparently, they had the habit of chewing Azeribuztana in their mouths to exaggerate the value, energy and vitality of black Africa, even as a digestive and aphrodisiac. I said the other day they called him a “torneros queue” in Spanish and a “carpenter queue”, which apparently is a good ally to heal and heal wounds and which those engaged in these tasks used with great intensity. Carpentry herb to smooth the wood and complete the sardine wound, azeribuztana.
It can also have other issues, that is, harmful. Older cattle are usually in serious condition with asteribuztana. The attack of a fungus produces an alkaloid called “palustrine” which, accumulating in the body, can cause gallbladder crust and nerve problems. It also contains the enzyme Tiaminase, which destroys B vitamins, especially B1, especially in the mare. At the very least, make sure Equisetum arvense is the one that has the least substances.
Logarithms are the ones that will forever connect the Azeribuztana with modernity. To enable all current technological development, the logarithms that facilitated mathematical calculations were proposed by John Napier in the seventeenth century, apparently based on the proportion of twigs of the Azeribuztana.
It has small, hairy leaves on the bottom and extends the head between 20 and 40 cm. It's known as Bulgarian Viagra, Scarid Sideritis. It's a blue-like plant, because its hair gives it a bluish color. It lives in the rocky spots of the high mountains and everyone who has lived in... [+]
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I should like to take this opportunity to comment on it to the reader: the longest days of the year have gone and the night has elongated and the daylight has begun to shorten. This will have terrible consequences on plants and let's avoid in nosotros.Este summer that we just... [+]
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I answer with a point, not of fear, but of respect and shame, more and more often, to whom I ask almost anything on plants. And that point is getting bigger and bigger.
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