Finally, can we give its name to the elections to the Parliament of Navarre?
We are in favour of introducing ourselves under the name of Podemos. We believe that our political and organisational objectives of the party are the same in the State and here, therefore, we do not have to hide the name of Podemos. There must be no taboos and no fear of any kind of debate.
Will it be the subjects and pacts of Navarre that are decided there or will it be decided Podemos del Estado?
According to the ethical regulations of the party, the assemblies of each territory will be sovereign and will decide on them. However, if a number of pacts could damage Podemos’s overall strategy, the secretary-general or 25 per cent of state circles could propose that the decision be taken at the state level. In these cases, however, it is necessary to be well-founded and, if not, these requests can be contested.
It gives the impression that the struggle to form government is going to be very tense. What would your action be in the pacts?
This decision would be taken by the Citizens' Assembly of Navarra, but this debate should be made public today and our proposal is to carry out the change with the forces that share our objectives. UPN, PSN and PPN are in favour of once and for all abandoning UPN, PSN and PPN, which have brought us to the situation we live in.
You clearly say that social issues are your priority.
We are committed to a profound change in the social, economic, productive and energy model. We are committed to high-quality public services that take precedence over the private interest. Among other things, we want a progressive tax policy of wealth sharing, a debt audit, a public bank and an emergency employment plan.
They define Navarre as a political subject. What to do?
We understand the Forces as instruments for the decentralization of the State and for the deepening of democracy, as instruments to guarantee the self-government of Navarre. There are still outstanding competences in the field of public administration, civil and fiscal… These are instruments that help to ensure the well-being of citizens and, among other things, have not been achieved because UPN has resorted to many such measures.
In addition, we are committed to strengthening ties with the territories of the Basque Country and Aquitaine, always based on the decision of the Navarros and Navarras. A new constituent process must be opened up. In the State, all the statutes of autonomy were voted on, here no, so the current framework could be questioned. We also want to have special relations with Podemos in the Basque Country, with which we share the same culture.
Should the Basque Country be official throughout Navarre?
We believe that throughout Navarre the right to education in Basque and to public services in Basque should be guaranteed. Nothing must be forced, but the Basque language is the language of Navarre, our language and therefore also our right. Through motivation, the Basque Country should be progressively promoted to the whole of Navarre.
How is the peace process going on?
ETA abandoned arms and, therefore, a very interesting scenario has been opened for Euskal Herria and the entire state, but no adequate response has been given to this situation. We are in favour of human rights, of coexistence, of the rights of the victims, of the prisoners… In short, here we are also in favour of the bases we want for historical memory: truth, justice and reparation. Operations such as those carried out a few weeks ago against prisoners’ lawyers, for example, are not admissible.
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