Max Weberren arabera boterea da, norbaiti zerbait inposatzeko probabilitatea, baita bere borondatearen aurka bada ere. Botereak askatu egin dezake baina baita zapaldu ere. Hizkuntza baten erabilera boterearekin zuzenki eta estuki lotua dago. Botereak egiten du hizkuntza bat hegemonikoa edo minorizatua. Beraz, ezinbestean lotu behar dugu euskararen egoera botere (eza)rekin.
Hona hemen Pako Aristik bere azken liburuan dioena, beste hamaika egiarekin batera “Euskararen egoera ez da hobetuko Euskal Herriak independentzia lortu arte. Bere erabilerak ez du gora egingo. Ez da sortuko bere aldeko uholde ilusionagarririk. Aurrekontuak ez dira ugarituko, besteak beste hizkuntza gutxitu batek, automatikoki, helburu estrategikoa izateari uzten diolako”. Herri baten identitatea eraiki edo deseraikitzeko botereak daukan armarik ahaltsuena hizkuntza da.
Mezu nahasgarri gehiegi jasotzen ditugu egunero euskararen balizko normalizazioaren inguruan; mezuok, inor ez iraintzeko eta ahalik eta jende gehien euskararen unibertsora erakartzeko helburuz egiten omen dira. Menpekotasun egoera areagotzeko baino balio izan duten mezu horiek, gehienon ipar galtzea eragin dute, nire irudikoz. Aristik liburuan oso ongi definitzen dituen bi termino –“amnesia” eta “naturaltasuna”– baliagarri zaizkigu egungo egoera nahasia ulertzeko. Ahaztu egin zaigu, euskararen desagertze bidea, urte luzeetako dominazio eta jazarpenaren ondorio izan dela. Deshistorizazio honek memoria historikoaren galera eragin du, egungo egoerara faktore naturalen eraginez iritsi garela sinetsaraziz.
Seduzitu egin behar omen dugu jendea euskarara etor dadin, erakargarri bihurtu behar dugu euskara eta euskara ikasten ez dutenei sinestarazi behar diegu altxor bat galtzen dutela. Hizkuntzen elkarbizitzaz hitz egiten ere, sarri entzuten ditugu hamaika “euskal” eragile eta politikari. Nola izan liteke hizkuntzen elkarbizitza orekatua, bata hegemonikoa denean eta bestearen suntsiketa besterik ez duenean nahi? Bi estatu inperialistek burututako kolonizazio prozesu luzearen emaitza da hau guzti hau. Hori ulertzea ezinbestekoa da, ustezko garai politiko berriotan, bolo-bolo dabilen bestearekiko abegikortasunaren tramaz eta dramaz jabetu eta aurre egin ahal izateko.
Bidali zure iritzi artikuluak helbide elektronikora
ARGIAk ez du zertan bat etorri artikuluen edukiarekin. Idatzien gehienezko luzera 4.500 karakterekoa da (espazioak barne). Idazkera aldetik gutxieneko zuzentasun bat beharrezkoa da: batetik, ARGIAk ezin du hartu zuzenketa sakona egiteko lanik; bestetik, egitekotan edukia nahi gabe aldatzeko arriskua dago. ARGIAk azaleko zuzenketak edo moldaketak egingo dizkie artikuluei, behar izanez gero.
When you work with older people or people with physical and neural diversity, you realize that the idea of competition in our society limits us a lot as a species. That is, our system puts you in value by doing things specifically, and what it doesn't do is incapable of the... [+]
I wanted to write for the Christmas lights and claim to become an annual tradition in this time of street lighting, a welcoming, joyful and joyful public space from the point of view of the class. But, of course, also warm public spaces where some young people can be warming up... [+]
He forgives the oak trees, oak trees, oaks, herons, strawberries, dressings, chestnuts, birch, gorostidias, chamomiles, pine trees and all the societies of the trees, but today the hayedo has a date on the occasion of the celebrations of the winter border.
It is easier for me... [+]
Euskaraldia comes back. Apparently, it will be in the spring of next year. They have already presented it and the truth is that it has surprised me; not Euskaraldia himself, but his motto: We'll do it by moving around.
The first time I have read or heard it, the title of the... [+]
When the heteropatriarchal capitalist colonial system is questioned and fought, it attacks mercilessly. Using all the tools at your disposal to strengthen, strengthen and consolidate institutional power, media, justice, language, culture, violence...
In Switzerland, where every... [+]
I do not know if you also have the same perception – I recognise this: here I have started to write in a scientific way. I am referring to the natural extension of the word laziness. I hear more and more in the corners of Hego Euskal Herria: Basque, Spanish and, of course,... [+]
Many at Christmas feel more lazy than illusion when we think about meals and family gatherings. But we anticipate that it is not food that makes us feel collectively uncomfortable, but the normativity that defines the traditional family. Moreover, we would dare to say that the... [+]
I have always found the way in Spanish to the carriages that can be found here and there: humiliating. Isn't it a pretty light, white name or doesn't it have any connotation? After all, everything that was going on there had to be humiliated. It is known that for the god of... [+]
The end of the Syrian Arab Republic has caused great surprise at the way in which it has taken place: fast and almost without resistance. However, it is not so strange when we consider that the country was destroyed, impoverished and trodden. Most Syrians have long been... [+]
Novelty is usually one of the most heard words associated with the Durango Fair. The novelty is there, and here's the novelty. However, in some cases it is sufficient to give a different aspect to the previous one to paste that label. The CDs and remastered reeditions with... [+]
The Basque country has a very large water flow in the shortage. Every local drop curls and revives our culture. Offer a sea of water to that thirst. Although the Basque Country has come from a deep and dark well, we have all drawn our sample of salt water and turned it into a... [+]
Young people start consuming pornography before, as porn is their only sex education. How on earth have we come here?
Today, it has to be acknowledged that thanks to the Internet it is much easier to see pornography. Unfortunately, through a click, the 7-9 year-old boy comes to... [+]