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Japan and Germany

Mizpira (Mespilus gernanica), udazkeneko azken fruitua.
Mizpira (Mespilus gernanica), udazkeneko azken fruitua.
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Are the Japanese Germans? And the Germans, the Japanese? I don't have any news of either and I'm not going to put my legs into the mud I don't know. I know they came together in a great war of the last century. Each of the objectives was going to be yours, but then, at least, they were dedicated to pulling the same yoke, which was of interest or not.

Every winter I find a kind of yoke between them. Hur (Corylus avellana), intxaur (Juglans regia), keeps the apple (Malus x domestica “Errezil”) and the kiwis (Actinidia delicious) with which I see the mizpirs (Mespilus germanica). To enjoy the winter, I see them collected at home, oatmeal shots and eating as they rot. Yes, nuts are rare that are eaten rotten, and mizpira is the best known of us. Putrefaction turns into a salty, sweet and sweet yellow flesh. The best cider vinegar I've ever made was an addition to the pampered meats. A delicious salsa for delights!

To be surprised by an unexpected terror, it is early November that he returns home. Collect the fallen on the ground and hover the trees. Afternoon like apples and kiwis. They are the last fruits of the fall. To enjoy the winter, yes.

Winter combines autumn with spring. In spring, one of the first fruits we did not know about children is the Japanese mizpira (Eryobotria japonica). That doesn't have to get corrupted to be sweet. Once ripened, it is juicy and easy to eat.

The European mizpira, which is called Germanica, is juicy, orosa. Asian, with the Japanese surname, is aqueous. One before the winter and another after. He bears the yoke of autumn and spring, pulling the rudder, winter. Two turtles throw away the winter.

In this time of the winter solstice, today we live the whim of the fucking babu of having any fruit at hand. On the Mizpi Winter Wagon, there is room for the bad and expensive bright fruits. In the money war, everybody was alert. Better a German and a crazy Japanese. I prefer the crazy one.

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