At the end of 2011 began the 2nd edition of the Vuelta a España 2010. Preparation of the Plan. They were inside the house, in the Council, and out of the house, among other things, with the feminist movement. After a year of work, the Plan sets two objectives. On the one hand, it was about attending to emergencies. There are many people who do not have sufficient resources to lead a dignified life and it is the Member who has to create the material conditions for the citizens, among other things, to pay the rent, to fill the freezer and to have work. The second objective is to prepare public policies to move towards a new model. In the new model, the care of life will be the center, steps must be taken towards a life model for all citizens. Six lines of work were defined for the transformation:
- How we are going to take steps towards an economy that sustains life.- Right to decide whether or not you want to take care of yourself and to receive the appropriate care.- How we will build the urban environment, the rural environment,
the network of relationships, the environment.
- What we're going to do to make lives free of male violence.
- How to strengthen feminist networks and practices.
- How to deepen participatory democracy.
The Plan makes a radical critique of the current capitalist and patriarchal model. The goal is not to work the gender perspective in public policies without touching the model. From a feminist point of view, and not only from that point of view, but also from ecofeminism, from the anti-capitalist point of view, from the point of view of the social economy and solidarity. To illustrate this in some way, the equality technician does not go through the departments of the Provincial Council with the “gender perspective book”.
These three areas are the most worked by the Provincial Council, due to their competencies and because they are the most influential in the structures that generate inequality. A number of measures have been taken in each of the areas and will be set out in the following lines:
Public procurement rules (equality clause): If any company or entity wishes to be able to receive public money, it must comply with a number of requirements. There are no assessments, the measures are mandatory. The measures are as follows: the company should improve the working conditions of women under contract; create jobs for women on permanent contracts; take co-responsibility and conciliation measures; take measures to prevent sexist attacks and intervene if they occur.
Wealth and Great Fortunes Tax: Wealth has been adapted to what they call. Until now, the tax was established taking into account the citizen's material assets and the citizen's current shareholdings in companies. After this change, they discover something curious. In the previous tax model, women were the ones who had heritage, and in the current model, middle-aged men have realized that they have an interesting heritage. The Foral Deputy Director of Equality, Laura Gómez, considered it contradictory, “looking at the average income of Gipuzkoa and the inequality between men and women was evident, but collecting the heritage of the elderly widows was surprising. When we changed the concept, we found other fortunes.”
Company Tax: This proposal by EH Bildu was not approved. The new proposal had two keys. Laura Gómez has pointed out that “the companies that today have the most profits pay in practice zero euros and wanted to put something progressive so that the ones that get the most benefits contribute more to society”. All but two tax deductions were removed: Deduction Research, Development and Innovation (R & D & I) and other Investment Reserve Fund. In both, in a cross-sectional way, they worked on the gender perspective. These are deduction tranches and the Council proposed that companies obtain the highest deduction margins if they complied with a number of measures. For example, if they created jobs, they would get a deduction, but if they created permanent jobs for women in areas where there are very few working women, they would get the most deduction margin. The same is true of improving working conditions in areas where women are the majority (care, cleaning), or with the adoption of co-responsibility measures. They wanted to send companies the following message: society gives them many resources (land, economic aid, tax deductions), now they have to act with social responsibility and contribute to society, and also from a certain perspective.
There are several economic aids for dependency:
Family Care Grant (ICP): It is a caregiver or caregiver of the dependent person, usually a woman, and is sometimes used to hire a woman in an irregular administrative situation.
Personal Assistance Grant (PCP): The dependent person receives it.
Laura Gómez was clear that one had to question the model created in the family environment, since almost always the caregiver is the woman. Caregivers have tried to make available to women a number of measures so that they have the greatest possible margin to decide when, where and how to perform surveillance. For example, Personal Assistance extended to all degrees of dependency. As a result of this offer, requests for Family Care Grant (PCI) have decreased and the PCP has increased considerably. Subsidies, day centers, residences... have made available to families a number of resources thinking that it is not the only model to care for the dependent person.
If the beneficiaries of the Personal Assistance Grant contract the caregiver, the Deputy would impose a number of requirements on them, without being competent to do so. If it had competence, it would specify the criteria for employment contracts. For example, it would not accept hiring below that wage or a holiday should be guaranteed to the professional carer.
Professional caregivers: Care management for dependants (outside households) is virtually in private hands and the Council has worked to improve labour agreements, i.e. to improve working conditions for workers in day centres and residences. They have influenced wages, rest times, work shifts. It has been achieved that the Spanish Labour Reform does not enter into force. On the one hand, the Provincial Council has made an economic contribution and, on the other, companies have been asked to reduce their performance.
Sendian Programme: Aimed at family caregivers. II. The Plan has given it a political dimension. Until now, the objective of the program was to provide the caregiver with tools for better management of the emotions of care. Gómez has pointed out that “this is what needs to be done, but the caregiver must also be given the tools to negotiate the distribution of custody inside the house. Caregivers are almost always women, and women have a lot of difficulty negotiating care, we feel guilty, we have been educated to care for the other. We don’t know how to negotiate and we need tools to negotiate with siblings, with children, with couples.”
In other words, care for family members must be the responsibility of men and women. However, Gómez goes further: “We cannot allow houses to assume responsibility for custody in its entirety. Public institutions have to take more responsibility and tell the markets: It can't be that way, because you have a workforce somewhere and someone takes care of it. They will also have to do something to sustain life, right?”
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