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We had forgotten it.

  • AUTHOR:: Pako Aristi Susa, 2014

Miel Anjel Elustondo told Pako Aristi Argian that oriental thinking is completely present in the recent publication of the poems subtracted to water, and Urrestilla with its particular precision, always more sincere, always more honest than what gives a correct answer: “More than Oriental thinking, it’s an attitude to life.”

When did we forget the feeling?

Castletown (1996), Words for the Bed (1998), Poems of the Yellow Notebook (2003)… Pako Aristi has come a way in search of something that has led him to a deeper and deeper look into becoming a great poet of naturalness. Sometimes they seemed to me to cry and regret their writings, but now no, over the years I understand better the anarchist tendency he has, the attachment to freedom: “The disease of man:/ Think./ Above all appropriate measures/ exploded/ succumbed to the brain./// The hyper-developed brain in the body of a weak beast.” Aristi brings back the innocence we have lost in this world of technique and wars, reminding us that we have a navel that unites us with all our mothers and with the sensations forgotten so far: life, mercy, the beauty of death.

It therefore invites us to feel something, to fight beyond the conventions by man, against man. The rage of the poem “Ni, Rosa Ugartemendia Sarobe” on page 69, the nostalgia of the description, the perfect connection between meat and form, are questions of geniuses.

The count of those who go beyond words, the poems stolen into the water. I liked the essentialism that emerges from the book, but that is not the case. I also liked to sing nature while still being political. In this sense, the book sometimes appears to be a lyrical decantation of the attempts and articles of Aristi of recent times, and sometimes a glory made to the universe that overcomes us all: “I’ll become an embryo again,/ light germ/ soft wind.” Close and away. We and the others. Initiation and termination. Here are the concepts that you would like to rethink.

The poems subtracted to Water are philosophical poetry that stops intellectualization and excites the heart. As the title suggests, poems already existed. Now the current of the world has brought Pako Aristi to transcribe them, repeating and repeating phrases.

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