Public Health Myths
Before deciding, consult your doctor.
  • If this leather is controversial, there will be no alternative cure or parallel to Western orthodox academic medicine. These pages have been collected from interviews and written by renowned professionals from the public health systems of developed countries, who with their critical knowledge can help citizens to make their decisions better.
Pello Zubiria Kamino @pellozubiria 2014ko urriaren 23a

Mammography campaigns for the prevention of breast cancer, the fight against cholesterol with its products, the transformation of osteoporosis into a bastard epidemic of the population over 50 years old and the warming around prostate cancer, have offered us a critical view of these four examples by health professionals who have become leaders in their areas of work. In the end, to round off a series of general points that a doctor and a teacher, a good public health expert, has given to prevention campaigns. Of the excessive and undervalued phenomena of medicalization related to poverty, which are two complementary sides of the same injustice, we have left the second to focus on some of the most notable examples of abuse we suffer in the rich West.

People’s health – life and death – is at stake, so we have tried to leave aside sensationalist frivolities by selecting qualified opinion issuers. These experts propose to the public a series of actions very different from those that the health authorities claim in our environment, the experts who present themselves as spokespersons for medicine and the media campaigns. Once the visions of each other have been checked, each citizen will decide how to act with his or her life. The final decision is its own.