The members of the editorial Susa chose a bar with the name of poet to present the three books of the new batch of the Munduko Poesia Kaierak collection. The news of the new books by Emily Dickinson, Carlos Drummond de Andrade and Miguel Hernández was published in the double round of Le Bukowskin in the Donostiar district of Egia. For the press, first under the eyes of the porcelain Dalmata dog who monitors the window of the bar street; and at night for the general public, with a recital of writers who have translated the three poets. On the afternoon of October 16, therefore, for literature lovers, Le Bukowski was the place to be.
Forgive me one poem after another -- sorry, because I was focused listening and I couldn't tell the number of people I couldn't tell you, Angel Erro, Koldo Izagirre and Josu Landa recited. Seated to sing bertsos at the bottom of the rocker stage of the bar, Beñat Sarasola, director of the collection, will be in charge of putting the themes. No points were counted in this great world poetry championship.
He had his difficulties, because the three poets are very different, because they were almost without any help of another kind -- the audio of some poem in the original language and some song -- and the audience who comes to the recitals doesn't know what to do at every moment -- at the end of each poem, you have to applaud. Before the poem? Is it about inventing the last sentence? Maybe that's why Angel Erro had to deal with an environment that was pretty cold.
He rose up, but in an introverted, hesitant tone in his early bars, Dickinson appeared dressed in white at the counter. Sarasola mentions in the introduction of the book the difficulty of translating the work of the American writer and Erro, although it has made it easier than expected, assured in the presentation to the press that he has developed a small obsession with Dickinson; the other two translators have also suffered the same disease, possibly because they have also had a part of their organizing work.
Koldo Izagirre continued not to leave America by reciting poems from Drummond de Andrade. Without forcing the voice a lot, he managed to get the words of the Brazilian to be heard in the back lines as well. In this case, the translation problem has been another: The writer began publishing at the age of 19 and dying at the age of 85. In addition, according to Izagirre, three or four more books, such as the one published, should be published for the sake of justice for the writer.
It was also surprising, as Izagirre approached the microphone at a time when he did not play, as it was the turn of a poem that had been interpreted by Caetano Veloso. The pasaitarra apologized to Veloso for skipping the show order… in Portuguese.
And the night went on in humble nuances until Josu Landa rose up in Flamenco red to represent Miguel Hernández. One of the keys to translation has been, in his own words, to try to translate the musicality of the original poems into Basque. When the fan of the olive tree brought the famous hatxe with his breath we see that he has had that concern in his head and that he has carried out the work successfully: although the song that Paco Ibáñez made with his original words was well known, the first time we heard the poem in Basque was one of the hot moments of the night.
The simple act ended with no more laps. And so we will end this chronicle as from then on the others are more suitable to appear in a Jotidiazarra article.
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