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"The Basques are well-adapted capitalists"

  • Not all ethnographic works talk about the past. The Pamplona journalist Tania Arriaga has analyzed the experience of a group of Navarros entrepreneurs in a thesis made in the Basque Center for Reindeer Studies.
Dani Blanco
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

You're always doing new things. What brings you from one job to another?

I think I've always turned to what I'm interested in knowing right now. However, I have the feeling that I have always dealt with the same subject, but from different points of view: communication and culture. In the PhD I talked about the challenges of the new technologies, I did a postgraduate degree in Basque Culture, also in the field of the creation of scripts… At another time I bought even the rules of Euskaltzaindia! What I like about communication is telling stories. I'd like to be a historian. And I also love science fiction n.Al gathering you have culture, communication and science fiction, what comes out is the realm of new communication technologies, and that's what interests me most right now.

He has worked in many media.

With Orio Produkzioak, I worked from the beginning on the Mihiluze program, for five years. Before that he had worked in various small local media in Navarre: Esan-Erran, in the Beleixe and Aralar radios, as well as in the magazines Nabarra, Zazpika and Artez. Anyway, my first job was at the ETB teletext. I would translate the news and adapt it to the format. Non-stop. About 50 news stories a day, like churros. It was quite freaky. At first it was nice, but when the time came when I saw that I was no longer learning anything. As I got bored, I started to see documentaries while I was working. Especially the Australians.

And leaving the teletext to Australia?

Yeah, that's it. I took what I earned last year, unemployment benefit and everything, and I went there to travel and meet people. I spent six months there. I think it's been the best decision I've ever made. It was a journey where I was able to look from the outside, both myself and my people.

And from there to Seattle (USA)? Why?

For love. I went with the partner I met in Australia. I was in college learning English, and when the love story ended, I went home, with my heart shattered, to start from scratch again, as always. I worked in a number of factories and a number of radios, and then came the leap to television. My first job was to telephone me at the Palace of Mirrors, a production assistant. That's where I learned how to make a movie. Then I started studying script. It's all in the same Rubik cube. After playing in the Euskal Kantuen GAUA program, I went to Mihiluze. An amazing job, but very nice. A very good and very happy team with Kike Amonarriz and Ilaski Serrano. Kike is a phenomenon. A very intelligent and humble person, knows how to work with people... I really want it. Aupa Kike!

And what was the change from television to Reno?

I finished the cycle and soon after my sister sent me information from a scholarship to the Basque Studies Center in Reno. Seeing that I met all the requirements, I presented a project, I was accepted and I left. At first I thought about brain drain, but if I had to spend four years on something, I would rather start from a positive point of view. Something innovative, transformative. And it was then that I found here in Pamplona such a rare group, that it really was very integrated into social media, that they used a very expert discourse on communication technologies and in the United States. Group #NASF. Your anthropological research is the essence of the thesis I'm going to read now.

What exactly is #NASF?

A group of Navarros entrepreneurs who had contact with San Francisco at their origin. Hence the name. It's a pretty special group. There are politicians, journalists, businessmen, entrepreneurs… For many indications, in 2008 a change was noticed. They noted that the companies were starting to fall and that the Moderna plan, drawn up by the Government of Navarra, was not in keeping with the situation. In addition, this plan was very exclusive since its inception and left out even the people who usually accompanied UPN, that is, the people of pp or CDN, for example. Santiago Cervera belongs to the Cervera group and also has a relationship with the MEP of pp. Pablo Zalba, one of the four accused. The #NASF members are highly qualified professionals. By 2010, for example, some members of this group had already made specializations on these issues. In addition, they are well-positioned in society and have first-level information. It is clear that we must learn how to take advantage of new technologies as soon as possible. Knowing how to use well is not enough. This is fundamental. Just as the printing press changed the world, the Internet has brought enormous changes in us, in our economy, in our way of learning, in our relationships...

Through these concerns, sixteen activists moved to San Francisco to learn about their experiences and the environment they lived there. They wanted to know the narrative of innovative businesses, their model of doing things, to launch a new initiative here. It's a very brave idea. They made a lot of visits to Silicon Valley. Facebook, Twitter, Stanford University… and most importantly: I mean. It's a design company. They design transformation strategies. For this they have a model, Human Centered Design. After all, it is a method based on small working groups to get things moving. Company members and workers meet frequently if they join the project, it is discarded. They have a model, apparently, very dynamic and organic, and here, somehow, they wanted to start it, without charging anything. To do so, they organize “super Tuesday” and “super Friday”, among other initiatives. These sessions allow everyone to present their business ideas, projects, etc.

The crisis doesn’t help too much either…

The Moderna plan has SODENA, Society for the Development of Navarra, which has money. He had obtained a great deal of credit from Europe and that has not been moved. There are a lot of people who are determined to adapt to new situations and there is also money, but from the government everything is to put obstacles, everything is to ask for stamps and guarantees.

How do you look at these entrepreneurs from the government?

With the corner of the eye. They're members of an emerging elite, and you can't say they don't listen to them. There's some feedback, because SODENA has done some things with them.

Do we have old-fashioned models today?

I dare not say it exactly without research, but they think that everything is very slow, that there is no communication between institutions and entrepreneurs and that everything is lengthy when a new project is launched. Most of the projects presented in #NASF are digital platforms and this market is very dynamic. Very fast.

Your proposal is, therefore, to turn capitalism back. Do you add to that?

Euskal Herria has lived in capitalism since it began to expand in Europe. That's why we adapt so well. We Basques are well-adapted capitalists. I don't think it's decisive to continue outside or inside capitalism, I think it's a matter of speed. We have to decide what speed we want and what speed we can, to get the tools and qualifications we need to move forward. I know it's very hard to say this in Euskal Herria. I've read, "Capitalism burns" on a wall along this road. Well, but at the same time we have to bear in mind that the marijuana that is burned is transgenic, for example. Bringing the whole of society out of the capitalist system is very difficult, if not impossible.

I too am in favour of growth. And so I think technologies can help us do things differently. There are no contradictions. In addition, consumption is not only buying things, it also consumes culture, information, art, thought… You have to make that leap as soon as possible and in Navarra these have realized it faster than others.

Is it an obstacle to be in Spain in this respect?

I think so. Now, for example, RISD (Regional Intelligence Smart Development) is the method used for obtaining European aid and structural funds, i.e. smart regional development. What they say is that countries should join with countries like them so that they all support each other. For example, for us in the Basque Country, it would be interesting to have a breathable connection with Aquitaine and towards Catalonia, because these countries are much more advanced in innovation than Spain and southern France. It would be economic relations. It would be like playing in this league with those at your level.

So Navarre is wasting time?

In the first part of the thesis I have conducted a quasi-journalistic study of the Modern Strategy to know what it is: a private foundation that is managing the entire strategy by 2030. We are immersed in a tremendous structure, hardly knowing anything. Normally, journalists do not have the possibility to do a long and in-depth analysis of that, and I have had it in this trabajo.Puedo to say that I have had the opportunity to see the real image of Navarre.

And what's the main feeling? Chiringuitism?

Painful chiringuitism, moreover, because there is money.

What conclusions did you draw personally from this thorough investigation?

Curiosity is very good. Whether we want it or not, we live in a system and, for and against, or that in order to take the central path, we have to know our reality and for that we have to read, learn languages, know a lot. In addition, in my favorite chapter I have looked at the strength of words. The power of repeated phrases. Hundreds of times more than we can imagine.

On the other hand, it's been nice for me to come together, listen and learn from people who have overcome prejudices and who normally wouldn't be. You don't miss anything to speak. In addition, Navarre has almost nothing to lose, it is touched!

He will return to the United States in November to present his thesis. During these four years you've found yourself very comfortable there, right?

Yes. There is diversity and people share the characteristics of their cultures with others. I am very fond of the United States and, furthermore, I have always been treated very well.

And then?

I don't know what life will bring me. I've been in Reno for four years on a scholarship. It was public money, and I've learned a lot in methods and in many ways. Now I feel that I would have to offer all of that to society.

Nortasun agiria

Tania Arriaga (Iruñea, 1972ko abuztuaren 28an). Txantrea auzoan hazia. Kazetaritza ikasi zuen EHUn. Master, graduondo eta ikastaro anitz egin ditu, “nik uste dut merkatuan dauden guztiak” dio irriz. Mihiluze telebista saioan aritu zen lanean bost urtez eta baita Nafarroako hainbat euskal irratitan ere. Gidoigilea eta film labur baten zuzendaria ere bada, La espinita. Azken lau urteotan Renon aritu da azaroaren hasieran aurkeztuko duen tesia egiten. #NASF ekintzaile nafarren esperientzia izan da aztergaia, edo Nafarroa zaharrera Amerikako Estatu Batuetako lan molde berrien eredua ekartzeko saiakera. Irailaren hasieraz geroztik, arratsaldez ikerlari eta goizez bi urteko haurtxoen irakaslea da Seaskako ikastola batean.


“Zure herria kanpotik begiratzen duzunean ohartzen zara noraino bizi izan garen giro disfuntzional batean: dena zen polizia, manifestazioak, atentatuak… Hemendik ateratzen zinenean pentsatzen zenuen, ‘baina zer egiten dute hemen larunbat arratsaldetan?’”.


“Talde honetako kideek Nafarroa aurrera eramateko asmoa dute gaur egungo kapitalismo motara azkar egokituz. Merkatariak dira, kapitalistak. Ez da mugimendu antisistema, kontrakoa baizik. Aniztasuna indartu nahi dute, eskema zurrunak apurtuz”.


Tania Arriagarekin Mendillorrin gelditu gara. Iruñeko mendixka honetan egin zituzten 1895ean hirirako lehen ur biltegiak. Gaur egun Iruñerriko Mankomunitateak kudeatutako parke, lorategi eta erakusketa toki polita dena, aspaldidanik izan da iruindarrentzako pasealeku eta behatoki ederra. Hara joaten zen askotan Tania txikitan familiarekin meriendatzera, eta ni neu ere berdin, arratsalde pasa eta bidean pinu-zizak hartzera. Han elkartu gara, patata tortillarekin, iraganaz eta etorkizunaz hitz egiteko.

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