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Vindictive watchtower of the Basque press in the 1980s

  • After two decades of standstill this year the Argia Eguna will be held again, on 27 September in Usurbil. It was held for the first time in 1982, in order to bring the Semanario closer to citizenship and to assert the need for the Basque press.
1989ko kartela, euskarazko egunkaria sortzear zela.
1989ko kartela, euskarazko egunkaria sortzear zela.ARGIA

On 27 September you have an important date in Usurbil: We celebrate Day of Light with a content full of activities and a festive atmosphere. We will address the challenge in a very different and renewed time, but with the same objective of Argia Eguna of the 1980s: to share our communication project with the citizens.

The idea of celebrating Day of Light is not the day before yesterday. In the Argia that was published in San Sebastian, do not mix with the Luz del Cielo de los Capuchino de Pamplona, ancestors of this weekly, a reader proposed in 1932 to call “Día de la Luz” the date on which this magazine was created: “Many new parties have been created in recent years. The day of Zuaitz, the day of Aurezki, the day of Legends, the day of cattle… Doesn’t it look good?”

Half a century and a dictatorship later, in 1982, there was a need to organize such a day. Perhaps the success of the food for 1,000 people held at the Balda fronton in San Sebastian in 1981, but above all because of the precarious situation of the Basque press, caused the Argia Eguna to begin.

After the Franco regime, the creation of Basque newspapers and magazines that worked almost entirely in Spanish hit the Basque magazines. Fraternity had to be closed in 1982 due to economic problems and the new Argia, which ceased to be celestial, also seemed like a winter flower. But it survived thanks to the efforts of many and the support of many.

On 28 November of the same year, tables were set up in different neighborhoods and towns to sell specimens and make subscriptions. In the years that followed, Day of Light was gaining more and more strength. In 1984 they organized a meal and an afternoon in Astigarraga with bertsolaris and Gaiteros. They also started making a paper bertsos contest. In 1986, 180 tables were recorded throughout the Basque Country, and in 1987 they were over 300, with the help of the Basque people. In addition to the weekly, the Basque Culture Yearbook, the cassette Txisteka-Misteka, the calendar and other products were sold.

In the 1980s, the Basque press focused on two variables. On the one hand, it insisted on asking the Basque Government to increase subsidies, claiming “the failure of the diglosic media”. On the other hand, the possibility of creating a newspaper in Euskera was increasingly real – the experience and resources accumulated by Argia throughout the decade were used in the creation of Euskaldunon Egunkaria. In 1989, Argia Eguna had the slogan The Day of the Basque Press. In that year the Argia Awards were delivered for the first time and gradually became the Weekly Grand Prix.

The last Argia Eguna was held in 1992. It lasted for two weeks, as it was held a week later in San Juan de Luz. A total of 5,000 copies of the Basque Culture Yearbook were sold and the timetable was exhausted. In Goizueta the groups Amaia Zubiria, Txomin Artola and Ortzi gathered 500 people, in Gasteiz a performance of bertsolaris was made, in Oiartzun a day was made for the youngest…

After 22 years, Argia wants to reactivate the Basque social network, since yesterday and today is the same need to celebrate and receive help.

You are interested in the channel: Argia Eguna
Without you there would be no Day of Light

Luckily, at ARGIA we have this corner and we would like to take this opportunity to thank all the people who have helped us in one way or another to have Light Day of Vitoria-Gasteiz come forward on 7 October. They say that we Basques are in short words and that it is very... [+]

Day of Light
Independent journalism, driven by an entire community
We celebrated Day of Light in Gasteiz. In the midst of all the chaos in Catalonia, we have brought our heads, and for the fourth consecutive year we have been able to enjoy Argia with people in the capital of Alavesa.

2017-10-10 | Dani Blanco
Galeria: Argia Eguneko irudi onenak

Urriaren 7an Gasteizen ospatu genuen Argia Eguna hango eragiel eta lagunekin elkarlanean eta komunitate osoa bilduta, kazetaritza independentea babesteko helburuz. Hemen egunak utzitakoa iruditan.

Komunitate oso batek bultzatutako kazetaritza independentea

Ospatu dugu Gasteizen Argia Eguna. Kataluniako anabasa guztiaren erdian, buruak ekarri ditugu gurera, eta laugarren urtez Argia Jendearekin gozatzeko aukera izan dugu Arabako hiriburuan.

2017-10-07 | ARGIA
Argia Eguna: Txikitik eragiten Gasteizen

Argia Eguna egin dugu Gasteizen. Jaiaren laugarren edizioa izan da 2014an berreskuratu genuenetik, eta hiriburu batera gatozen lehen aldia, aurrekoetan Usurbil, Oñati eta Ondarroan izan eta gero. Alde Zaharreko Landatxo kiroldegian hasi da festa, arratsaldean Gaztetxera... [+]

“Argiak indarra izatea nahi dugu, gizartean eragiteko”

Mimo handiz aukeratu du Argia aldizkariko lantaldeak urriaren 7an ospatuko duten Argia Egunaren kokalekua; Arabako hiriburuari egokitu zaio, "oso fuerte" dagoelako.

2017-10-04 | ARGIA
Nortasun agiri arrotzen jaurtiketa: Kataluniatik hartu genuen ideia hura

2014ko udaberriko egunen bat, ARGIAren egoitzan. Irailean egitekoa den Argia Egunerako prestatze lanak hasiak dira jada, eta norbaitek ideia dakar: ikusi du nortasun agiri arrotzen jaurtiketa antolatu dutela Kataluniako halako herrian, errekor “ofiziala” eta guzti... [+]

ARGIA Jendea bilduko duen topaketa Gasteizen

Lerrook idazten ari naizela oraindik urriaren 1a igaro gabe badago ere, dagoeneko imajinatzen ditut zu, irakurle, hitz hauek leitzen ari zaren egun horretan aldizkari eta egunkariek botako dituzten lerro-buruak. Aukera posible guztiak irudikatzea ez dakit erraza den, baina nire... [+]

2017-10-03 | ARGIA
Jolas kooperatiboak, sukaldaritza tailerra eta Nendo Dango Argia Egunean

Haur eta helduentzako jolas hezitzaileek hartuko dute kalea aurten ere Argia Egunean, larunbat honetan bertan Gasteizko alde zaharrean. Eguerdiko 12etan ekingo diegu: batetik, jolas kooperatiboak (Etxauri plazan edo Landatxo gunean), bereziki 6-10 urte bitartekoak buruan, eta... [+]

The official version fights on the street
The Vitoria-Gasteiz Political Tour revolves around periods and scenarios related to each other, such as the Lauaxeta shooting or the 1976 labour massacre. The members of the March 3 Association consider the journey as a country instrument in the face of the “state strategy”... [+]

2017-09-26 | ARGIA
Gasteizko ARGIA Eguneko bazkarirako txartelak jadanik salgai

Urriaren 7ko herri bazkarian bertako jaki ekologikoekin osatutako menua izango da aukeran Gasteizko Landatxo kirol gunean; eta kafearen ostean Mirari Martiarenaren monologo umoretsua. Erreserbatu tokia lehenbailehen.

2017-09-20 | ARGIA
Urriaren 7an, Oroimenaren eta Euskararen zutabeak Gasteizen

ARGIA Eguneko goizeko egitarauan zita garrantzitsu bat izango duzu: Gasteiz borrokalari eta euskalduna ezagutzeko ibilbide gidatuak. Eman izena eta hartu parte kalea oroimenarentzat konkistatzeko operazioan.

Bertsio ofiziala kalean borrokatzen da

Gasteizko tour politikoak elkarri lotuta dauden garai eta agertokiak ditu ardatz, nola Lauaxeta-ren fusilatzea edo 1976ko langile sarraskia. Herri-tresnatzat dute ibilbidea Martxoak 3 elkartekoek, Frankismoaren krimenak desitxuratzeko “estatu estrategiaren” aurrean... [+]

Eguneraketa berriak daude