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Vietnamgo Gerra ez da bukatu Laosen

6 urteko haur honek ezkerreko begia galdu zuen barreiatze-bonba batek eztanda egin zionean.
6 urteko haur honek ezkerreko begia galdu zuen barreiatze-bonba batek eztanda egin zionean.Andrew McConell
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Vietnamgo Gerran AEBek  200 milioi tona bonba jaurti zituzten Laosen, eta horrenbestez Asiako estatu horrelk inoizko herrialde bonbardatuenaren marka tristea hautsi zuen: 833 kilo biztanleko. 1964an, bonbardaketak hasi zirenean, Laosek neutraltasuna aldarrikatu zuen, baina AEBen erasoak ez ziren eten. Orotara 270 milioi barreiatze-bonba bota zituzten, baina horietatik %30ek (80 milioi lehergailu) ez zuten eztanda egin. Ondorioz, 1964tik 30.000 laostar hil dira eztandek eraginda; 12.000, gatazka amaitu zenetik..

2013an barreiatze-bonbek  hamabi hildako “soilik” eragin zituzten Laosen, gerra amaitu zenetik kopururik txikiena. Uxo Lao izeneko gobernuko erakundeak joko bat asmatu du haurrek bonbak bereizten ikas dezaten eta bateren bat topatuz gero nola jokatu jakin dezaten. Baina kanpainaren emaitzak ez dira oraindik nabarmenak, 2014 honetako lehen sei hilabeteetan hildako kopuruak dagoeneko dozena gainditu baitu.

Monster leads us to gather terrible beings in a frenetic puzzle game
Threes! Julen Irazoki and Ibai Aizpurua have prepared together with composer Mikel Dale a version of 2048 classics. On Android you can download the video game for free in Basque.

Militants Jakes Bortairu and Dominika Dagerre have been arrested this early morning in Baiona, and released at noon.
The arrests could be related to the fact that last January the collective Arberoa Lurra and Housing took action to denounce a speculative sale. The arrested have been arrested at around six o'clock in the morning, "breaking almost the door and putting the wives in order," according... [+]

2024-11-28 | Jon Torner Zabala
Gehiago Gara jaia egingo dute Antzuolan, hil diren haurrak “bizipozetik” gogoratzeko

Hil Argi elkarteak antolatuta, Bizipoza egitasmoaren laguntzarekin, Gehiago Gara jaia egingo dute abenduaren 15ean Antzuolan. Haurrak galdu dituzten familiak, lagunak, eskolako kideak eta, oro har, hil diren umeak "bizipozetik" gogoratu nahi dituzten herritar guztiak... [+]

France recognises Netanyahu "immunity" in exchange for a truce in Lebanon
French Foreign Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he has "immunity", that is, "political support" for Israel's violence. The Israeli media Haaretz and Maariv have reported that the ceasefire agreed with Lebanon included among their terms the support of the Government of France.

2024-11-28 | Gedar
The shipyard workers Balenciaga de Zumaia are mobilizing in defence of jobs
They consider the company responsible for the situation and the public institutions. Some workers have been unpaid for more than five months, and on Friday they will be holding a demonstration from the shipyard to claim that they will not close it.

International Congress to Discuss Transformative Syndicalism and Work in Leioa
More than 40 rapporteurs will participate this Thursday and Friday in the Leioa Campus of the UPV/EHU at the First International Labour and Trade Union Congress of the 21st Century. The guest will talk about the challenges and strategies of the world of work and the... [+]

2024-11-28 | Irutxuloko Hitza
The City of San Sebastian will put on Saturday a plate in memory of Mikel Zabraise in front of the Intxaurrondo headquarters
On Saturday, 30 July, the City of Donostia-San Sebastian will place a commemorative plaque by Mikel Zabascene Garate (1952-1985), opposite the Intxaurrondo Civil Guard headquarters (c/ Baratzategi, 35). Zabascene was arrested by the Civil Guard at his home in Altza in 1985,... [+]

The UN begins the final phase of negotiations to limit plastic pollution
The summit, which runs through the city of Busan in South Korea, will last from 25 November to 1 December. The oil-producing countries and their lobbies are putting obstacles, as they do not want to limit production.

"Education has to be quiet and indifferent."
In the round table for the presentation of the book Superpowers, the Contertulios have claimed "to leave the exhausting speed of daily life and take time to dream of the school project". They have calmly devoted themselves to transformation, to impotence, to illusion, to the... [+]

2024-11-27 | Julene Flamarique
Barakaldo City Hall uses "a language other than the Basque language" in a campaign
The Basque association Sasiburu has denounced that the City of Barakaldo has made a "humiliating" use of Euskera. Following the publication of the complaint, the City Council has deleted the Basque version of the campaign. Sasiburu has called for the necessary means and the public... [+]

2024-11-27 | Leire Ibar
More than 180 agents join the mobilization to guarantee the right to housing
On December 14, the Socialist Housing Union of the Basque Country and the Basque Housing Trade Union Network organized a national mobilization against the housing business in Bilbao. There are almost 200 agents who have stood in solidarity with the case.

2024-11-27 | Julene Flamarique
TAV works in the CAV are delayed until at least 2027
The Basque Government expected the High-Speed Train to be ready by 2027 when the Astigarraga-Hernani stretch ends in February 2024. The Basque Government has now launched a tender for the works of the Arkaute link, which has made available to the company Euskal Trenbide Sarea,... [+]

Benito Lertxundi retires
The 82-year-old Oriotarra singer will offer her latest concert...

Hysterical materialism
I want with you

In recent years, I have made little progress. I have said it many times, I know, but just in case. Today I attended a bertsos session. “I wish you a lot.” Yes, that is why I have warned that I leave little, I assume that you are attending many cultural events, and that you... [+]

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