Karmelo Ayesta wants to live in Basque and happy. It's not easy, you've heard, read and practiced on a daily basis. As can be seen from the book, he has managed to change language habits and is pleased. He knows that the socio-linguistic situation conditions the use of Euskera, but prefers to believe that we are free human beings and that each one decides whether or not to change linguistic habits. According to Ayesta, many Basques are neglecting the responsibility, the responsibility and the ability to work in Euskera, the energy is being exhausted to do so.
The book narrates the linguistic and psychological journey they have made for years and proposes to those who have decided to be Euskaldunes and those who want to decide how they can do it. In his view, the road to Euskaldunisation and, for example, towards sportsmanship and smoking cessation are not so different.
The reader will find in the book tools for changing habits and many of the situations he has experienced in his relationships with everyday language. There is a book to read on vacation; Ayesta is not a rabid and desperate Basque who only finds impediments to speaking in Basque, but a convinced Basque who lives strong and happy.
We lived in Spanish, in unified Spanish. It's not a pejorative question, not even Jakue Pascual's book, which was written in Spanish. On the contrary. The long title shows very well its existence. Even more so in the title: Free radios, fanzines and occupations.
The author has... [+]
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