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Transmission is what we have been and what we want to be

  • 2014 Urruña Generating horseback riding: Gerard Urrutia, Joseba Aurkenerena and Zelin Duperou Non: Plaza de la Bola de Urruña; (Lapurdi). When: 7 and 15 June.
Mahai erdian jujea, uxera eta abokatua alboan dituela. Musikariak eta kantariak hondoan. Hedexuriak eta zirtzilak izan ziren animatzaile bizkorrenak.
Mahai erdian jujea, uxera eta abokatua alboan dituela. Musikariak eta kantariak hondoan. Hedexuriak eta zirtzilak izan ziren animatzaile bizkorrenak.

There are things to do, something to learn, something to complain about... But how do you say that? We citizens have to work on transmission, deepen relations, that is the key. They are words of the bertsolaris of Urruña, Subai and Odei. We have to know what we have been to define what we want to be. That is the motto that the Zintzarrotsa de Urruña has sent us.

The topics in Euskal Herria are not insufficient, Urruña leku: Parque de Santa Flora, company Conserver XXI or Asociación Berttoli in the past, both in the TAV and today. The subjects also: Greedy lords or ruthless citizens.

We heard the farmer Ttotte Mendigaine and banker Sakelbero on the occasion of the TAV. The peasant was accompanied by the Pyrgos, the banker by the gendarmes. The sign rushed to Paris, a simple citizen who had to bind his mother to the earth. We also hear – in question of vascuence – the mentsa Finfin amiñi and the arrogant Mademoiselle. Ibai Gorri and Larregorri fought later. The Frantximent affirmed that the Basque language is the language of the miracles that lead us to the liver, the young man firmly imposed himself on the colonizer.

Mrs. Kutzu brought dark stories to the plaza: Florenia and Conserver XXI transformed in Santa Flor. We perceive the horrible soul of Minister Michelle Alliot-Marie in the air. The odours to the scarities or the frauds of the past have not left the place yet. The anonymous citizen also spoke, who feared that he would tell him his name. The cases in the association of the people of Berttoli have not been resolved. In addition to the bulbs, they also kept the missiles. Uxera, a state attorney or prosecutor, does not easily close past dossiers. Both the gentlemen and the authorities are mistrustful of the present youth. The young woman, Iluna, asked for the eviction of the jails and the construction of the Gaztetxe of the town.

Three scenes were played, different themes or issues were judged, and several actors acted. Some are better than others in their role. Need to work on transmission. I was represented by the plays of playwright Antton Luku, who was among the spectators. “My concern is the transmission, the conversion of the actor into a creator.”

The motto “The impossible done with effort” dispelled these fugitive despair. The judge, the judge and the lawyer withdrew to deliberate. The clashes between the rods and the forks, the gendarmes, were the ones that accelerated the souls of the spectators. The musicians' songs merged past and future, caressing the present. The danzarines moved the bells to the compass of the polling station. The bertsolaris once again put the items and words in order: They laughed “hope” and “know” to finish. They stated that the decision is in our hands. That rights are not mere demands, that rights are exercised inexorably on a daily basis.

We finally knew Jujea's decisions: in favor of popular demands, in favor of sensations. However, we citizens need to learn how to make our rights. I found the judgment extreme, which ordered the judges to give their opinion. Justice depends not only on the Jews, nor on the sages, nor on the ments.

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