“It has touched us to live the economic crisis and the most traditional media, and we had two options: staying at home or revealing ourselves. We have chosen the second path.” The words of Martxelo Otamendi perfectly define the decisive and necessary commitment of the Berria Group: Renewal of websites Berria.info and Badok.info. The novelty has aroused expectation, and to learn more, almost 200 people fill the Abbey of the San Telmo Museum of Donostia.
Otamendi listed the changes that Berria has undergone, both in digital format and in paper, with a language and mind as active as ever. But these lines of words you are reading on the page of the department of culture (web), and I want to dedicate the following lines to the presentation of Badok.info and to the musicians that rounded the night, as May 27 will be a day marked for musicians and music lovers.
Jon Eskisabel is the conductor of the orchestra who has composed the renewed “portal of Basque music”, and was in charge of presenting the new tool. In his words, “the old Badok was made for the analogue era, while the current one is adapted to the digital era.” It will remain the entire database of Basque music, but it will also be more than that.
The main novelty is the ability to listen on the web all the Basque music on the web: thanks to the technology they have developed, they have brought to the portal all the music available in Soundcloud, Bandcamp, Spotify and other digital platforms. Over 11,000 songs are now available. There are also more news, but it is best to explore the portal itself to get to know them.
As a complement to the presentations, the new faces and projects (no more) that we have seen in recent years in the scenarios of Euskal Herria were invited, as one of the great contributions of the web will be to make known these types of groups.
Jon Basaguren, the voice and head of Izaki Gardenak, was the first to make a melody at night. He acted delicately, but with a little coldness, as he only sang three songs and did not have time to warm up. The Ene Begi of Ruper Ordorika was fired with the nice version of the song and left room for the following guests: Tania de Sousa and Fermín Bouzari.
We met Tania de Sousa and her powerful voice in the Zuloak project, and now with what she learned in it she has embarked on a solo project. San Telmo was the first opportunity to listen to her songs live, and the few songs she offered in the acoustic duo left us eager to know more. On 8 July, at the festival organized by Donostiako Piratak, we will be able to see the whole group – they are the quartet – before the famous concert by Manu Chao. It is then that we will know the potential and the level of work of Tania de Sousa.
The third and final performance of the public was the only one that managed to approach the stage. Hernaniarra Maite Larburu, a member of the Neighbor Group, and the American Josh Cheatham, have rounded the evening at ETB-2. Last year they moved away from the Baroque music in which they live and published a pop-folk album: The water in the pocket. They are one of the most interesting appearances of recent times in Basque settings. If you don't know them yet, it's best to start using them.
Bidea da helmuga
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WHEN: February 2nd.
IN WHICH: In the youth center of Zuia, Murguía.
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