So, dyed glasses were invented a century earlier than glasses to solve vision problems. It was the Venetian monk Alessandro della Spina who invented the glasses measured in the 13th century. Venice had the monopoly of invention for many years, but in the end, in the 1430s, the measured glasses came to China. And just like quartz crystals, the Chinese drowned lions coming from Italy to favor judges with vision problems.
In 1752, English optician and designer James Ayscough began experimenting with blue and green colored lenses. But he didn't even propose to protect the eyes from the sun's rays, but he believed that some vision problems could be improved with colored colored lenses.
From the end of the 19th century until the beginning of the 20th century, the main users of sunglasses were syphilitics, specifically the rich syphilitics, due to the lack of the product. One of the symptoms of syphilis is sensitivity to light, so the dyed glasses were mainly used for venereal disease, protecting the view from excess light. Of course, to suffer the sting of the sun's rays in the eyes it is not necessary to be affected by syphilia, and the elites, few who could afford the price of the glasses, began to use umbrellas.
The use of sunglasses began to democratize in 1929.La company Foster Grant, led by Sam Foster, started the mass production and distribution of umbrellas in Atlantic City, resulting in a significant price reduction. From then on it would no longer be necessary to be rich, syphilitic or a Chinese judge to bring umbrellas. n
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