You will burn more calories as well as strengthen and tone your muscles. Walking along the sand requires more effort than walking on the asphalt. Walking regularly along the coast will cause your ankles and legs to notice a great improvement and controls plus overweight. You're going to spend twice as much calories, actually.
It strengthens circulation and prevents varicose veins by the movements of waves from the sea against the legs. In addition, sea water iodine and sodium slow down the aging process.
It decreases the risk of osteoporosis. Walking increases bone density and this influence is multiplied on the beach by the greater effort to walk and by the fact of sunbathing, adequately protecting the skin, helps the body synthesize vitamin D. Vitamin D is essential for attaching calcium to the bones.
Walking around the beach also favors intelligence. As it is easy to understand, the fact that the same “tranquilizer” moves in the city centre or on the coast does not influence. And also, if we walk barefoot, the grains of sand will give a kind of massage to the hundreds of nerve endings of our feet, which produces great pleasure. These nerve endings are related, according to experts, to several vital functions that also improve thanks to massage.
If you're thinking about moving day by day on the beach, but you don't have enough training for it, you'll want to walk on the wet sand on the coast in the first few days. The next day you will experience less muscle pain and less risk of damage to your ankles. After a few days, start gradually intercaling the walking sessions over the dry sand, which will burn more calories. In addition, he performs other tests at sea with waist to strengthen and tone thighs and buttocks.
In summer, it may be common for you to experience “heat accidents” while walking around the beach, as it accumulates a lot of moisture. To avoid these accidental accidents, it is best to follow simple tips:
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