Benito Lertxundi by the Kilometers
Garbine Ubeda Goikoetxea @garbineubeda 2014ko apirilaren 10
Apirilaren 12an izango da Benito Lertxundik Kilometroen alde eskainiko duen kontzertua. Orioko Karela kiroldegian, 23:00etan.
Apirilaren 12an izango da Benito Lertxundik Kilometroen alde eskainiko duen kontzertua. Orioko Karela kiroldegian, 23:00etan.

On the occasion of this year’s Kilometroak in Orio, the organizers have chosen one of the largest icons of the town to start rebuilding the festival of the ikastolas. Humble spoke to us by Benito Lertxundi when he asked him about the uniqueness of the 12 April performance: “Not much, it will be in my people and with the people of my people.”

The main repertoire of the recital will be the band's last album, in which more well-known songs that have left roots in the album will also be interspersed. However, it is expected to present at Orio “what has not been heard in other concerts, a small annex, but not linked to the people or the context”.

On the contrary, the singer has shown us a different passion, taking as a reference the Kilometroak: “Acts have always been important. The ikastolas are, precisely, the most revolutionary achievement of this people. We have witnessed this in the last half century. I do not know to what extent it is valued today, but they are a reflection of all our challenges. Only by symbolism would we be nothing if we let it be lost.”