Egibar will say Mass and in the epistle it will be confirmed that the presentation will be the starting point and not the objective of the new Status for the PNV. But this report has been cut from the very beginning, with the conditions that the PSOE assumed by EAJ-PNV has put in place: Spanish legal framework and current legislation. In other words, the Spanish State will be the regulator of this discursive reflection. But before this PNV agreement had already agreed another one with EH Bildu, for not having signed anything.
And what has the PNV done? He has left EH Bildu again and taken the PSOE on his knees. And it's free to choose the comrades you want on that journey, of course! But it is not an attitude worthy of applause, nor worthy, to reject what had already been agreed and to go into the arms of a lover. I mean respectful. Ideological. Debates of the European Parliament It has made it clear once again that the PNV does not want to have the Left Abertzale at its side (“with them or in money”, Azkuna said) in its daily activity, as it feels much more comfortable with what claims “one and one Spain” than with which it wants to flee from Spain and France. But I'm hurt by the chameleonic change in the PNV. It's not new, yes, I know. It doesn't matter who to get together with if you get your political budgets. Except for the Abertzale Left. It is true that the contempt and mistrust that we have lived through for years is not cured overnight and that it will take some time to achieve that mutual trust. Time will be the remedy for all wounds.
However, I believe that the Abertzale Left (“without the PNV cannot achieve the objective, but with the PNV where?”) must do political pedagogy and transformation of behaviors and attitudes so that PNV and the Abertzale Left ever go hand in hand. In theory, maximalisms are fine. On the other hand, in political praxis we must pursue the attainable achievements of the moment if we do not give up, get bored and get bored. We have to achieve a relationship of trust, but assuming that the Abertzale Left still has to make an institutional political trajectory of dismantling, in order to achieve, after all, that relationship of trust, more psychological than political. And if no one comes up with “better only than unaccompanied”, the Abertzale Left will become localist and provincial. Useless.
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