Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

What 'rula' in the capital of the Basque Country?

  • First, the industrialization and then the appointment of capital of the Basque Autonomous Community completely transformed Vitoria-Gasteiz. To respond to the new status, the industry went from being an agrarian city to a service city. The public sector now has more strength than in other cities in the community.
Lehenik industrializazioak eta ondoren Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoko hiriburu izendatzeak Gasteiz erabat moldatu zuten.
Lehenik industrializazioak eta ondoren Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoko hiriburu izendatzeak Gasteiz erabat moldatu zuten.
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

In the twentieth century, as in the whole of Hego Euskal Herria, the socioeconomic structure of Vitoria-Gasteiz underwent a significant change. Between 1950, the Gasteiztarra economy was based on the primary sector and traditional industry, and the migration from Álava to Gipuzkoa and Bizkaia was increasingly common. Industrialization, on the one hand, and the appointment of the capital of the Basque Autonomous Community, on the other, radically changed the situation. Keep in mind that Vitoria-Gasteiz, besides being close to the industrial networks of Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa, had plenty of land to build. Thus, population growth was higher than in the rest of the capitals of Euskal Herria in proportion. In fact, the number of people living in Vitoria-Gasteiz in 30 years almost quadrupled: According to the National Statistical Institute (INE), 192,773 in 1980 was 52,206 (1950).

Subsequently, it was named the capital of the Basque Autonomous Community, and the newly constituted infrastructure of the Basque Government settled in the capital of Alavesa. Likewise, the declaration represented an increase in urbanization and expansion of the city, to which was added the rise of the third sector. Services related to culture, education and administration were needed to respond to the increase in the population and its conversion to the main management centre of CAPV. Unlike Gipuzkoa and Bizkaia, the socio-economic evolution of Álava focused mainly on the capital and, therefore, Vitoria-Gasteiz had to offer services for the whole territory.

Therefore, around the age of 30, Vitoria-Gasteiz went through three phases: the first, in the first half of the twentieth century, in which agriculture and traditional industry predominated, industrialization and capital of the Basque Autonomous Community. According to 2008 data, Vitoria-Gasteiz's Gross Added Value is 63.73% in services, 26.68% in industry, 9.44% in construction and 0.14% in agriculture and livestock. Likewise, 80% of the number of establishments corresponds to services.

The crisis in recent years has affected the industry in particular. Many flagship companies have had to close their doors since 2008. The last one is Cegasa. The promoter of the stack, who already had many problems before, last week presented a creditor competition.

Consequences of being capital

Artificial capital of a unique country -- Potato said in the 1980s. The decision to turn Vitoria-Gasteiz into the seat of the Basque Government and Parliament gave rise to a debate which, although occasionally it is a topical issue, has been naturally assumed as the capital of the CAV. However, it is undeniable that the decision modified the evolution of the city and that the current Vitoria-Gasteiz is hardly understood without being the capital of the community. As has been said, it meant not only the construction of the entire infrastructure that gives rise to the entire administrative structure, but also the urbanization of capital and the configuration of the service network.

The City Council of Vitoria-Gasteiz and the Basque Government have recently reached an agreement on the “capital charge”. Between 2013 and 2016, the Basque Government will provide EUR 20 million to the City Hall so that it can invest in basic urban projects and services of the capital. The municipal administration had been claiming the fee for 30 years.

It can be said that capitality has also influenced tourism. Although the status itself may be attractive to tourism, in the last decade there has been an increase in tourism linked to congresses and conferences. In 2002, Vitoria-Gasteiz received 50,000 visitors of this kind, and today it is over 100,000.

The policy promoted by the City Hall in recent years has deepened this philosophy. In 2012 he was elected European Green Capital and in 2014 National Capital of Gastronomy of Spain. Apart from the advances that can still be made in urban ecology, these denominations are understood as recognition towards the outside. In other words, they are a claim for potential visitors.

In 2014, in which the Basque Autonomous Community needs 35 years, no conclusive studies have yet been carried out on the socio-economic impact of the conversion of Vitoria-Gasteiz to government and parliament headquarters. It is clear, however, that it has had consequences and there are indications in the data. For example, public administration is a stronger economic sector in Vitoria-Gasteiz than in Donostia-San Sebastian or Bilbao. In 2011, the Alavesa capital employed 7.5% of the total public sector workforce. In Bilbao and Donostia-San Sebastián, 5.95% and 6.01%, respectively.


Biztanleak: 242.147 (2013)
Sektorekako ustiapenak: Lehen sektorea: %0,4. Eraikuntza %9,44. Industria %26,68.
Zerbitzuak %63,73'6 (2008)
Langabezia tasa: %14,8 (2013)
Administrazio publikoko langileak: 7.452, kopuru osoaren %7,55 (2011)
Biztanleria dentsitatea: 873,82 perts. / km2
Udalaren osaera: Alderdi Popularra (PP): 9. Eusko Alderdi Jeltzalea (EAJ): 6. Euskadiko Alderdi Sozialista (PSE-EE): 6. Bildu: 6.
Euskararen ezagutza tasa: %24,32.

Iturria: Gaindegia.

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