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Behbatez magazine renews its face in terms of usability

  • Galtzagorri's gem had been transformed in December. Now that the lettering classification was better given, it will follow the order numerically, starting with 28.etik. It has left behind the elegance of the Sepia color and book-shaped binding, so that it would overcome the sense of greed that has to be kept, so that it would be more useful on a daily basis.
Ezkerretik eskuinera, Asun Agiriano, Aitziber Alonso eta Lore Agirrezabal, aldizkariaren  aurkezpenean.

He had been in the same format for fourteen years as the Children's and Youth Literature Journal Behaberri, which was first published in 1998. Design modes have changed since then, have evolved and members of the drafting committee were imposing on the need to adapt to new trends. After a brief reflection, the coordinator Lore Agirrezabal explained. The illustrator Aitziber Alonso, for example, wanted a post that could be repeated over and over again, “that she wouldn’t be afraid that she could catch, see and cut if she liked something”. The Book Comments section, which is the most safe one to use, as users go to it for reviews and instructions, now advises to cut the pages by the edge, out of the magazine, to use them to their liking and place them wherever they want.

Starting from the surface, this time it's more periodic. The journalistic criteria have become more important both in the conception of the parties and in the way they are illustrated and adapted to the style. “We have left behind Hitzontzi, Hitz eta pitz and the rest of the names created with the word, because whoever did not follow the magazine from the beginning was difficult to catch what was coming in each section,” explains Agirrezabal. In the same vein is the reflection on the illustrations: “Before, only one illustrator took the illustration of the whole magazine. The magazine became the plaza of the illustrator, so to speak, but it also had risks, as these images had no relation to the contents being worked on, and it was sometimes confusing.” At one time, the news fills some articles with photographs, and the illustrations used do not have to be by a single author. On the other hand, they agree with the content.

The central pages are occupied by a supplement fully assigned to the creation. Illustrators and writers appear by pairs. “Our intention is to form pairs that have never worked together. We leave it to you to decide which of the two should start. That is, what must be before, words or images,” explains Agirrezabal. Pello Añorga and Leire Urbeltz have broken the road and in this case have taken the poems of Añorga as their starting point. Another task asked of the illustrator is the design of the front cover and the back cover. In number 28, they both come as if they were just one, because someone can get rid of the staples and serve as a poster.

Although apparently not detected, the comment section has also been slightly modified. Obviously, to the two issues published a year, you cannot bring all the production in Basque. The selection of books that have to appear in them is more ingenious, more conscious, more rigorous. For this purpose, the Reading Seminar held by the Galtzagorri Association is used. “Meetings are held once a month from September to June. They read and analyze what has been produced during the course, especially the children's literature, aimed at children from 0 to 10 years of age. The books are made a note and a comment, and those who pass that bahe come to Behoxa,” Agirrezabal explained.

We have been struck by the last paragraph. Two pages provide information in short format about the collaborators who have intervened in this particular issue. A nice way to thank the works received, no doubt.

"Haur eta gazte literaturaren gainekko hausnarketek leku bat eta zabalkundea izan dezaten nahi dugu"

Ahalegin handia ikusten da zuen produktuan. Proportzionala al da haur literaturak gure haurrengan duen tokiarekin konparatuta?

Galtzagorrik Bularretik Mintzora egitasmoaren bitartez harreman zuzena izan du zenbait herritako familia, guraso, ikastetxe eta liburuzainekin, eta haien arteko sarea sortzea da giltzarria, liburua ikastetxean edo liburutegian soilik ez uztea, ez isolatzea, elkarren laguntza behar baitute. Gurasoekin lan handia dago. Ikerketek frogatu dutenez, zaletasuna ez da hutsetik sortzen. Haurtzarotik etxean dagoen zerbait baldin bada literatura, gerora ere hor gelditzen da, eta haurtzaroan egon ez bada nekez helduko zaio gerora. Gurasoen inplikazioa, gurasoek haurrekin irakurtzea, partekatua izatea, hortan egiten da ahalegina eta emaitzak oso positiboak dira, Bularretik Mintzora programan ikusten denez.

Zein da zuen erronka nagusia aldizkari gisa?

Batetik, aurrera jarraitzea. Z-ra iristean, gelditzea izan genuen arriskuetako bat, batez ere egungo murrizketa giroa kontuan hartuta, baina 28.a ere osatzeko aukera ere sortu zen, eta hortik aurrera, kasik infinituraino heltzea nahi genukeela esango nuke.

Bestetik, Haur eta Gazte literaturaren gaineko hausnarketek leku bat eta zabalkundea izan dezatela desio dugu, eta irakurketa sustatzeko ahaleginak ere balora daitezen. Zentzu horretan, ikastetxe, ludoteka edo dena dealakoak, edonork, irakurketa sustatzeko esperientziaren bat baldin badu, gustatuko litzaiguke gurekin partekatzea. Geu ere saiatuko gara esperientzia berriak bilatzen, horretarako sortu dugun atalera ekarri eta oihartzuna izan dezaten; norbaitek eredugarri dela uste badu kopiatu dezan edo antzekoa egin dezan. Lehen zenbakian Xabier Olasok landu du gaia eta Armentiako ikastolaz mintzo zaigu, irakurzaletasuna sustatzeko duten urte osoko programaz.

Galtzagorrin zer diote aldaketaz?

Sorpresa polita izan da, gehienen gustukoa. Bazkideen artean erantzun positiboak izan dira jasotako guztiak.

No maternity wrench

Company: Txalo teatroa.
Created by:Elena Díaz.
Address: Begoña Bilbao.
Actors: Finally, Ibon Gaztañazpi will account for the details of Intza Alkain, Tania Fornieles, Oihana Maritorena and IRAITZ Lizarraga.
When: 10 January.
Where: Auditorio Itsas Etxea... [+]

The New Popular Front, after the failure of the motion of censure against Bayrou
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Start the season with the open txotx in Saizar and Alorrenea
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A demonstration will claim this Saturday in Pamplona the demolition of the Monument to the Fallen of Pamplona
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Vulnerable children: institutional violence in our context

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Spoiler, kinship, civility, shrine and guacamole, among the latest updates to the Basque Dictionary
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Forest plantation with native species begins on Sunday in Arrankudiaga-Zollo
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2025-01-17 | Antxeta Irratia
More than 1,000 self-incriminations collected by the J’accuse campaign
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A person must declare in Soraluze for dealing with spawning
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The Spanish Government rejects the wind farm between Eskoriatza and Aramaio
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Bizkaiko Foru Aldundiko langileen eta euskararen alde elkarretaratzea egin dute Bilbon

Euskalgintzaren Kontseiluak eta Bizkaiko Foru Aldundiko langileak elkarretaratzea egin dute langileen egonkortzearen eta euskalduntzearen alde.

2025-01-16 | Euskal Irratiak
Laborantzari buruzko ikuspegi desberdinak agerian, Departamenduko Laborantza Ganbararako bozetan

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Eguneraketa berriak daude