I had knowledge of the Spanish Police in the mid-1960s. He was seventeen years old when two crew members were arrested, beaten and released without charge. By then I had already wanted to be a citizen, inhabitant of the standard modern world. And Euskera would reject me, I wasn't baserritarra. The arrest made me dive. I also heard from Commissioner Manzanas, who had stolen the two friends. I was obsessed with discovering the basis of that situation. Well, in politics, I discovered a new, secret, dangerous world. I was recognizing in the vicinity the small conspiratorial world, hidden, suspicious, of several people. I got drawn, and slowly I went with me. It had been prioritized and I started to leave my hobbies behind. Euskara, a new society based on equality, Euskal Herria.
Trying to make all of that happen, I took him to ETA, and I ended up in the quartile and in the police station. There I learned that torture was not a dramatic element of films, torture was a common practice of some policemen living in our environment. They lived in our neighborhood, their children interposed with each other. I took the determination in jail, the engines and the vehicle with which I would lead my life along with my comrades to achieve these three goals. Everything else underlying it. In the 1980s, I began to consider armed struggle as inappropriate. The inertia, the inertia, found no benefit, and I began to say that it weakened us socially, hurt by the painful disapproval of some friends and intimate in the area.
I was pleased that ETA announced that it was setting aside its armed actions, relieving me of the frustration caused to me by the defeat of Algiers. I have friends in jail and in exile. I am emotionally ill with this unilateral process, the end of my friends worries me more than that of the organization. I have no doubt that the organisation will be dignified in politics, and I know that it will do its best for its people. But, unlike me, I know all too well what he has done in this all his life, I have too many people who have invested what he believes would never happen such an end, those who are going to need our particular help outside the activity of professional politicians, are taking care of me. I've lived through it in contradictory feelings. The head and the interior were together.
Josu Urrutikoetxearen aurka bi auzi iragan behar dira aste huntan Pariseko auzitegi korrekzionalean. Biak ere ETA talde armatuko kide izateagatik dira, baina mementu desberdinetan.
Astelehen eta astearte honetan Parisen epaitzen ari dira David Pla eta Iratxe Sorzabal. ETAko kide eta ordezkari izatea, armak eta dokumentu faltsuak eta propaganda materiala izatea leporatzen diete.