In music, the classical and the traditional rarely go the same way. If this trend applies to an instrument, such as the trikitixa, violin or guitar, we will see the differences between them in ways of showing, transmitting or socializing it.
The trikitixa, newly arrived in music schools, already offers two ways to anyone who wants to make their way. The classic, which is offered in regulated teaching, is based on the solfège, and whoever wants to learn to play the instrument has to start by touching it. The traditional mode, the most widespread in the world of diatonic instruments, gives great importance to the ear and, without the need to know any solfège, students are provided with the lessons of initiation to the instrument through a somewhat sophisticated encryption system. These centers have been created around the trikitilaris that have created the school, and they are more personal when it comes to teaching.
It's not the time when the professor and the student face each other and learn to follow. Elgeta (1906-1964) was the first professional trikitilari to teach to play. One of the first to discover what was needed and look for a written method was Martin de Villabona. So the rounded ones – thin or thick depending on the way the bellows are made –, the numbers – indicative of the key to press –, the points – that explain what the finger is to press, the sub-indices and the higher indices – if the key to press is from the left or the right – and other symbols to complete the sheet music began gradually.
The sheet music creation system is therefore, but manual, paper and rule encryption to work for oneself. The daring have used image programs such as Photoshop, Freehand, etc. on the computer, but they have been by hand or by computer, giving hours and hours of work to each sheet.
Aware of the need to adapt to digital times, the Tirikitrauki music store has just taken the step of being a sheet music free editor developed by Iametza Interactive. Just like the Word program is used to write, this tool is used to create diatonic tool sheet music in an easy and comfortable way. Once completed, the creator can pick it up for himself or leave it on the network, available to others.
To program it informatically, Julen Irazoki started from scratch. “I searched here and there, but I found nothing that matched the figure of Tirikitrauki. On the other hand, the method of touching the instrument is not the same, but has local variants. It has been a year’s work, but beautiful, that will increase its value as it is being used.”
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