The new model to be implemented will be the National Health System (NHS). As a result, some 8,500 workers will be suspended from their contracts, some of which will be recontracted and others will be dismissed. The new system will function as a health insurance company and will buy services from self-employed providers (ambulance, doctors, diagnostic centers, clinics…). In other words, it will leave the doors of privatisation open.
In order to dismiss the 11,000 officials ordered by the International Monetary Fund, the European Central Bank and the European Union Troika (EU), the Greek Government is dismantling the institutions: They closed public television – and fired 2,500 workers – the Municipal Police, 50 Vocational Training specialties, hospitals and educational centers, in order to be able to legally expel officials and officials. Within this strategy we must place the decision to dismantle the public health system and to implement a new model.
In addition, the Greek Government’s 2014 budget will reduce the amount earmarked for Osasuna by EUR 700 million and will not allocate a single euro to care for those who do not have health insurance. Today, 30% of Greeks do not have health insurance because they have been unemployed for more than a year.
Since the beginning of the economic crisis, material resources, medicines and workers have been declining in Greek public health, with a policy of brutal cuts, such as a 40% reduction in hospital investment, and studies show that the consequences are being serious for the population. Among other things, the number of sick and infected people has increased in recent years and mental illness has also increased considerably among the Greeks.
Greece 1975. The country began the year as a republic, three weeks earlier, in the referendum on 8 December 1974, after the citizens decided on the end of the monarchy.
A decade earlier, in 1964, when King Paul I died, his son Constantine took the throne at the age of 23.
But... [+]
In 2019, in the waters of the Greek island of Cases, the National Hellenic Research Foundation and the Greek Ministry of Culture began a study. The result of the work has been recent and in total ten traces of boats have been found at different times. The oldest is about 5,000... [+]
Non volvín vello de Lesbos en Grecia. En Mitilene, a Asociación Vasca de Sabores ofrece a preto de 2.700 solicitantes de asilo unha comida ao día: arroz e potaxe, pan de pita e unha peza de froita. Límite de dignidade, 150 gramos por ración. O problema é que no campamento... [+]